Search Result for “Thai human trafficking”

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On the shores of the nameless

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 17/11/2013

» On Oct 12, villagers on Ranong province's Koh Phayam island were shocked to find two bodies lying on the beach _ and another washed up in a nearby mangrove. The rescue team later discovered more bodies floating in the sea.


A childhood behind bars

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 22/09/2013

» To their classmates at an elite Bangkok international school, Nip and Djo are much like any of the other hundreds of foreign students.


'Human cargo in need of compassion'

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 03/02/2013

» 'Why is this not human trafficking? If this is not human trafficking, what else could it be?'' asked an emotional Abdul Kalam, coordinator of Thailand's Rohingya National Organisation. He was referring to the decision last Monday to repatriate Rohingya from Myanmar's Rakhine state. The National Security Council, along with the Foreign Ministry, ruled that human trafficking plays no part in the rickety boats full of Rohingya that have washed up on Thai shores because there was no evidence of slave labour, forced prostitution or forced begging. Therefore the Rohingya can stay a maximum of six months in Thailand before they are sent back to Myanmar.


Are zoos cashing in on tiger trade?

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 26/02/2012

» Trade and trafficking in tigers and tiger parts in Thailand drew international attention following the seizure of 400kg of tiger meat and carcasses in Bangkok's Khlong Sam Wa district earlier this month. It's remained a thorny issue in Thailand despite global efforts to save the animals from extinction.