Search Result for “Thai Union”

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Next few months crucial in Myanmar war

Published on 07/05/2024

» In the jungles of southeastern Myanmar’s Dawna Hills, rebels from an armed ethnic group are fighting to hold back columns of reinforcements sent by the country’s ruling junta to try to reclaim Myawaddy, a critical trading outpost on the Thai border.



Turncoat warlord at centre of Myanmar drama

Reuters, Published on 25/04/2024

» Armed soldiers loyal to a turncoat warlord patrol the streets of the border town of Myawaddy, as troops of the ruling Myanmar junta and rebels jostle for control of the outpost that handles more than US$1 billion in border trade every year.



Myanmar rebel group withdraws from border town

Published on 24/04/2024

» MYAWADDY - A Myanmar rebel group has withdrawn its troops from a town along the Thai border following a counteroffensive by soldiers of the ruling junta from whom the rebels had this month wrested the key trading post, an official said on Wednesday.



Why Myanmar’s war matters, even if the world is not watching

New York Times, Published on 20/04/2024

» SEOUL — An escalating civil war threatens to break apart a country of roughly 55 million people that sits between China and India. That has international consequences, but the conflict has not commanded wide attention.



Fragile unity pushes Myanmar junta to the brink

Reuters, Published on 18/04/2024

» MYAWADDY - Myawaddy, a critical trading post in Myanmar that rebel forces seized from the ruling junta last week, offers a glimpse of dynamics playing out across the Southeast Asian country as its vaunted military reels from battlefield losses.



Myanmar rebels confident of holding Myawaddy

Published on 16/04/2024

» MYAWADDY, Myanmar - A senior rebel commander has vowed to hold the strategic area of Myawaddy near the Thai border with Myanmar before turning it over to the Karen National Union (KNU), the rebels’ political wing.



Myanmar rebels 'repel' junta push to take back Myawaddy on Thai border

Reuters, Published on 15/04/2024

» TAK: A resistance group fighting Myanmar's military rule said on Sunday its fighters had repelled an attempt by junta troops to advance on the key town of Myawaddy along the Thai border that was seized by the rebels last week.



Karen Union 'committed' to peace, security

Published on 14/04/2024

» The Karen National Union (KNU) says it is committed to establishing cross-border security and working with Thailand and international organisations to ensure peace and safety on both sides of the border.



Fight back or flee? Myanmar draft forces hard choices on youth

Reuters, Published on 08/04/2024

» Weeks after Myanmar's military government announced a nationwide draft, two young women from far-flung parts of the Southeast Asian country headed to the jungles to take up arms against the junta.



‘Silent strike’ on Myanmar coup anniversary

Published on 01/02/2024

» Opponents of military rule in Myanmar staged a “silent strike” on Thursday as the country marked three years since the military coup that ousted the elected government of civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi.