Search Result for “Thai Criminal court”

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Failing the lecturers

Spectrum, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 20/11/2016

» At Thepsatri Rajabhat University, a lecturer was locked out of his office after exposing alleged corruption involving the budget allocated for a field trip. His three staff were moved to other roles, and this semester his classes were reduced until he had no students to teach. Nowadays he goes to the university in the morning and signs his name, fearful he will fail his performance assessment.



Hall heads for Paris but fight for rights goes on

News, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 13/11/2016

» When British migrant rights activist Andy Hall left Thailand last Monday after 11 years, he was facing three criminal and civil courts lawsuits. They followed a report he helped research information which accused companies of labour and human rights violations in the pineapple and tuna processing industries in Thailand.



The lawyer preparing to defend herself

News, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 30/10/2016

» The black Honda CR-V parked in front of Bangkok's military court was sealed off by eight yellow barriers. Police officers taped A4 papers to each of the four door handles and trunk, and put a lock to the front wheel.


Police backtrack on wiretapping plan

News, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 04/09/2016

» Police are backtracking over their proposal to allow the wiretapping of all criminal suspects without having to wait for court permission.



Cat and mouse: Accused tiger trafficker slips authorities' net

Spectrum, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 26/06/2016

» It was the middle of a bright day in 2010 when the buyer set off in a truck with a cage on the back to pick up a tiger. In the northeastern province of Khon Kaen, he picked up two traffickers, and they drove two hours southwest to Chaiyaphum.



Reliving trauma with little relief

Spectrum, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 05/06/2016

» The first flashback occurred several months after Aggarat Bansong was caught in a gun battle during the anti-Yingluck government protests in 2014.



Operating within the lawsuits

Spectrum, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 29/05/2016

» The Thai Medical Council had a peculiar message for medical graduates on their orientation day earlier this month.



Caught in the madness of the system

Spectrum, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 08/05/2016

» The solider pointed towards Bandit Aneeya, the man the legal system has previously found to be insane, identifying him as the person who allegedly committed lese majeste. Bandit, who sat quietly throughout the court session on Wednesday as testimony from two prosecution witnesses was heard, flashed a smile.



And that was the last time we saw him

Spectrum, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 28/02/2016

» On the morning of Jan 24, 28-year-old Fadel Sohmarn left his home on a Honda motorcycle to meet his bride-to-be, a teacher at Mohammadiah School.



Supinya slams 'self-censorship'

News, Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Published on 29/01/2016

» Journalists must refrain from self-censorship, despite the restrictions on media freedom imposed by the ruling junta, an activist-turned-media regulator said Thursday.