Search Result for “Taxi driver”

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Bangkok reimagined

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 23/09/2022

» You may already have heard of Bangkok being compared to Blade Runner made real, given our neon signs, skyscrapers, dingy alleys, huge billboards, elevated motorways and busy roads. Flaws and all, Bangkok has inspired many artists to reimagine it in their own way, shining a different light on our beloved capital city. Its unique aesthetic has captured the imagination of many artists and filmmakers, and Guru has compiled a few noteworthy reimaginations of Bangkok for your entertainment.



Reading Between the Words

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 26/07/2019

» Sometimes when you read Thai news stories, you may come across certain phrases or words that show up again and again. They are often terms that mask something that's less pleasant or perhaps too blunt to be said outright.



Dos and Don'ts: Bangkok Transport Edition

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 18/09/2015

» "Bangkok Car Free Day 2015" will take place on Sunday (Sep 20). "Car free days" are organised in different cities around the world to encourage people to get around without cars, and instead use mass transit, cycle or walk. To commemorate this year's car-free day, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration encourages you to join its bike rally and street fair near Sanam Luang, using public transport to get there. But we think you can do better than that. We present the dos and don'ts to help you use (or, in some cases, brave) various forms of Bangkok transportation like a pro.



Are you a bona fide Bangkokian?

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 17/07/2015

» It takes more than the ability to recite the full 65-syllable name of Bangkok or nimbly jaywalk at every opportunity to qualify as a true Bangkokian na. There are nuances (and nuisances) in everyday life that only a true Bangkokian can pick up on. Think you’re a Bangkok buff? Take our quiz to find out how local you are. Answers will be revealed at the end. No cheating!



Bangkok evolution

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 01/05/2015

» What can’t you do at 7-Eleven branches these days? Recently we learned you’re able to send parcels or get your clothes dry-cleaned at its outlets. We hope leaving a pet in a store’s care before going on vacation is next. That got us thinking about other everyday things in Bangkok that have evolved over time. After painstaking armchair research, we’ve dug up some trivia that should give you new appreciation of common sights — or at least be an edu-taining holiday read.


Tech support

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 20/02/2015

» Living in Bangkok comes with specific frustrations (rejections by taxi drivers, spending one-third of your life stuck in traffic, driving around crowded parking lots in search of an empty space). But don’t fret, fellow Bangkokians — thanks to advanced technology and (sketchy) 3G connections, you can solve these problems using nothing but your fingertips. Here’s our selection of apps and websites to help you navigate Bangkok with more ease.


Muscles and melody

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 13/06/2014

» WHO is the latest boy band to become a hit in the Thai music scene despite their zero singing output. In the absence of vocals, they make up for it with lip-synching, muscular bodies and seductive dance moves. The band comprises of fitness trainer Somyos “Took” Chaiphra-in, pharmacist Surat “Himpz” Phatthanajareet and tae kwon do instructor Assanai “Liw” Yungyuen. The music video for their first single “Chan Lor Pai” (I’m Too Good-Looking) went viral, garnered them fans, and inspired many cover-dance videos. They had a meet-and-greet last week (Jun 7) and will have a concert later this month. Check them out at or Instagram: @whoboyband.


Cab connector

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 22/11/2013

» The smartphone app called Easy Taxi was originally developed in Brazil in 2011 to help people find cabs. Since then, it has rapidly expanded and is now available in 18 countries. Felipe Kasinsky, 31, is the young CEO of Easy Taxi in Thailand. He talks to us about how the app benefits both passengers and drivers (but most importantly, saves us all from face-to-face taxi rejection). Go to, Twitter @EasyTaxiThai or for more info.


Through Thai eyes

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 11/10/2013

» Some ordinary objects that have a straightforward use elsewhere in the world seem to have more application or deeper meaning through Thai eyes. This week we search for ordinary objects with extraordinary uses in Thailand.



Hic, hic, hooray!

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 02/08/2013

» Today (Aug 2) is indeed one of the most important dates of the year - it's International Beer Day. Hooray! Beginning in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California, the brew-fest has grown into a global celebration that takes place in 50 countries, including Thailand. While the Thai authorities may appear super vigilant when it comes to drinking, we think this day can be celebrated so long as you're responsible about it. So that's why we're here to help you honour International Beer Day (IBD) like a mature adult. Bottoms up!