Search Result for “Taxi driver”

Showing 1 - 10 of 79



A clogged artery

Published on 03/03/2024

» Large construction projects, particularly those undertaken by the state, have significant impacts on communities and often the impacts are felt far beyond the construction sites.



Casino plans spur 'Nimby' complaints

News, Published on 15/01/2023

» Thailand's casino plans are causing mixed reactions among the public even though a special House committee studying the feasibility of entertainment complexes including legal casinos says they are likely to bring in massive revenue.



Making peace with Covid

News, Published on 31/12/2022

» People should usher in the New Year free of concern about a severe new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic as the public is by now largely immune to the virus and life is slowly returning to usual, according to a virus expert.



Grassroots fault govt help

News, Published on 03/04/2022

» The cabinet has decided to implement 10 measures to ease the burden on households and micro-business owners following a spike in the cost of living prompted by increased fuel prices.



Pearl loses its lustre

News, Achadthaya Chuenniran, Published on 13/02/2022

» Phuket, as does any attraction, relies on having a positive image among potential visitors. However, such an image is always vulnerable to being sullied by high-profile crimes as well as a perceived lack of safety.



New deal gets thumbs down

News, Post Reporters, Published on 18/07/2021

» The government has launched its third economic relief package since Covid-19 broke out, drawing flak from critics who find the assistance too little to ease the pain and damage.


Former patients face community rejection

News, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 02/05/2021

» Alarmed by a surge of infections in the kingdom's third wave, a support group has been formed to help patients cope with stress brought on by the illness and discrimination they may experience despite fully recovering.



Migrants struggle to return despite sealed borders

News, Published on 26/07/2020

» Businesses have reopened and begun hiring after the government eased lockdown measures, but migrant workers who returned home and waited for the Covid-19 outbreak to clear are now finding themselves on the outside looking in, unable to re-enter the kingdom.



Technology, human spirit unite to fight global crisis

News, Published on 05/04/2020

» Though the coronavirus outbreak has already infected more than a million people globally, it cannot dash the invincible spirit of citizens. While embattled leaders take draconian measures to curb the contagion, Thais from all walks of life are rushing to support medical personnel on the frontline, as well as fellow Thais affected by the crisis.



The true cost of convenience

News, Penchan Charoensuthipan, Published on 04/02/2020

» The relatively high income of online food delivery riders comes at a cost, with drivers complaining of heavy workload, long hours and the strain of having to deal with customer complaints.