
Showing 1 - 5 of 5


'Digital divide' challenges Myanmar

Published on 06/06/2013

» A robust information and communication technology sector is critical for any country’s competitiveness and integration with the global economy. But Myanmar faces considerable challenges in the form of weak infrastructure, electricity shortages, a “digital divide” and low consumption.


Closer collaboration between mining and infrastructure

Published on 06/06/2013

» Mining and infrastructure are two industries that go hand-in-hand. Closer collaboration between the two sectors has the potential to unlock greater benefit and value for regional economies and societies.


Challenges facing agriculture in SE Asia

Published on 06/06/2013

» Agriculture has been an engine for economic growth and development in Southeast Asia, lifting millions out of poverty and positioning the region and potential powerhouses, such as Myanmar, to be a source of global food security. Today the region faces new challenges to meet growing demand, with risks from natural resource scarcity, shocks from food price volatility, and climate change.


Building a financial ecosystem in Myanmar

Published on 06/06/2013

» The pace of Myanmar’s development will depend in large part on its success in attracting foreign investors to help modernise the country. But setting investment policies to encourage responsible investment, economic growth and inclusive financial markets will be a challenge. Michael Drexler, senior director of Investors Industries for the World Economic Forum, discusses some of the challenges faced by the country in creating a financial and economic ecosystem conducive to development.


WEF report: East Asia enters the era of hyper connectivity

Published on 31/05/2013

» World Economic Forum information and communications technology expert Danil Kerimi explains how truly understanding and harnessing digital globalisation can help all Asean nations to compete in the global marketplace.