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The 2021 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/12/2021

» As the year comes to a close and we're all looking back at the past 12 months with introspection, at Guru we will stick to time-honoured tradition of being reflectively snarky. Like any other year, 2021 had no shortage of cringe-worthy and WTF moments. So before we head into the new year with resolutions we'll give up on halfway through the first month of 2022, let's roll out the metaphorical red carpet as we award moments from the eventful year. It's time for this year's edition of the Guru Awards.



Couch surfing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 30/07/2021

» Most of us dream of walking down the aisle -- the airplane one -- and the awkwardness that comes with trying to find your seat while avoiding people putting their bags in the overhead bins.



Holiday cheer

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 04/12/2020

» Though the year has felt like it's dragged on, it's gone by pretty quick. It's December and we're a few weeks shy of 2021. Of course, with the festive season comes decorations all over the city. Malls have adorned their interiors and exteriors with lights, trees and colourful ornaments to get visitors into the holiday spirit. Visit these places to feel the festive mood.



Don't rain on my parade

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/07/2020

» It's a sad twist of fate that as quarantine restrictions have lifted, the rainy season is upon us. There may be many who want to get out and about, perhaps even the introverts like me may want just a tiny bit of socialising. But don't let the rain dampen your mood. If you and your friends want to hang out and have some fun, Guru's got a few fun spots even if it's raining cats and dogs.



Reopening act

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/06/2020

» The time has come: people are getting out of their houses because places are starting to reopen. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? It depends on how you look at it. It's great that the butt indent on our couches is getting a relief, but then again, people overcrowding places like Ikea is the downside. They probably all rushed there to replace their sofas. Nevertheless, a number of places have reopened, which means you have stuff to do and places to see other than going to the supermarket for groceries. If you've been dying to get out of the house, these places offer a respite.



The 2020 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/01/2020

» We know it's the last day of January -- and if you weren't aware, it's February tomorrow -- but as a tweet said, we'll consider January the free-trial period and start 2020 properly on the first day of February. A bunch of stuff has already happened, not all of them good, but before we move ahead and put the past behind us, Guru would like to take one last look at the year that was. "The Guru Awards" have been held for the past two years but so much has happened that we decided it would be best to do a full feature in 2019 instead of just a few paragraphs in the Editor's Note. Seeing that the Academy Awards are also coming up, we couldn't think of a better time to give out our snarky, passive-aggressive accolades. So, ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you the 2020 Guru Awards -- no monologues, no opening numbers from Neil Patrick Harris. Just pure unadulterated cynicism.



A summer of fun

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/04/2019

» Summer is here -- like that's not at all obvious. As the heat bears down on all of us Bangkokians, the temptation to simply spend these hellish days locked up in our rooms with the AC turned high (or is it low? You get what I mean) while we cuddle in our blankets and binge hours and hours on end of Netflix shows is strong. But that doesn't have to be the case. There's still a bunch of enjoyable things to do around the city despite the heat. In fact, they're not only fun, but they're perfect things to during the summer time. So stop being a lazy bum, get off that couch and outta the house, and don't worry, you can still have your ice cream. Here's a few summer activities to get you up and going during this heatwave.



Pixelated Present

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/12/2018

» Argentinian-Spanish artist Felipe Pantone has displayed his works in the organised set-up of galleries and on the street with the urban landscape as a backdrop around the world, including Mexico City, New York and Osaka. He has collaborated with brands like London-based label Romance to design a bicycle produced by Specialised and has also repainted a bridge in Guadalmedina, Spain. The artist who describes himself as a "child of the internet era" brings his analogue/digital imagery to Thailand with an art installation at Siam Center.



Not your mama's movies

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/06/2017

» It's that time of the year when summer blockbusters are about to invade the cinemas. And while we're stoked to see superheroes swing into action or travel the open seas with an inebriated pirate, there are times when we just want to get away from all the CGI-ness of big budget films. Enter Bangkok Underground Film Festival, a place where you can enjoy local indie films, short films and discover new filmmakers. The films screened here are not necessarily the typical ones you'll be used to watching. Therefore, if you're after mainstream films, then perhaps you should go watch some lifeguards running in slow motion instead. Go figure.