Search Result for “Oxford”

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Capturing the anarchy in the Sex Pistols

New York Times, Published on 21/05/2022

» LONDON: “Are we doing any spitting?” asked a man in the crowd at the 100 Club, a small, red-walled underground space, redolent of spilled beer, cigarette smoke and a thousand lost nights, just off London’s Oxford Street.



US health officials question AstraZeneca trial results

New York Times, Published on 23/03/2021

» ์NEW YORK: US federal health officials said early Tuesday that results from a US trial of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine may have relied on "outdated information" that "may have provided an incomplete view of the efficacy data", casting doubt on an announcement Monday that had been seen as good news for the British-Swedish company, as well as the global vaccination drive.



Ultranationalist Myanmar monks unrepentant

New York Times, Published on 28/05/2017

» HONG KONG — In the wake of vigilante attacks and brawls that have shaken Yangon, Myanmar’s largest and most cosmopolitan city, the country’s religious authorities are ramping up a crackdown on hard-line Buddhist monks who have played increasingly public roles as sectarian provocateurs.



Symbol of dignified defiance, Suu Kyi sounds provocative note

New York Times, Published on 18/11/2015

» NAY PYI TAW -- For two decades, Aung San Suu Kyi was a radiant symbol of dignified nonviolent resistance, most of that time confined to house arrest by the generals who have governed Myanmar for half a century.



Ageing China, Europe search for more children

New York Times, Published on 11/11/2015

» China's decision to allow more families to have a second child is an effort to confront a problem that is facing much of Europe, too - ageing populations and not enough babies. But reversing a demographic slide involves a complicated set of incentives that have more to do with social mores than with government policies, experts say.