Search Result for “Online businesses”

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Reality check

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 10/09/2021

» The malls are crowded again. The streets are lined with traffic. There seems to be more people (and motorcycles) on the sidewalk. Your eyes do not deceive you: the City of Angels has come back to life -- or at least slightly. Certain venues like fitness centres and theatres remain closed (sorry, Marvel fans hoping to watch Shang-Chi) but the city's ever-favoured shopping malls have returned and dining-in at restaurants is possible again, albeit in limited capacity. Does this bode well for Bangkokians? Should we expect the worst? Despite the relief we feel of finally being let out of our houses, are there still challenges? Guru speaks to people of different professions to gauge their opinions.



A fight on all fronts

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/08/2021

» It sucks that we are still in the throes of this pandemic, that people are suffering in all kinds of ways because of it, that incompetence rules the roost when it comes to handling the crisis and it sucks that we are still moaning about it. Though we at Guru have listed things to make lockdown bearable and listed how you could help those in need, it's time to hear from of some the city's professionals on how the state of things has affected their lives.



A sight for sore eyes

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/07/2021

» Art has been and still is a vital part of our life and history though it has evolved over the years. The Renaissance gave us legendary works of art like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David. Fast forward to the present and we still view art regularly albeit in different forms -- now on a 55in. OLed TV. Hey, Netflix movies and shows are still work of art, don't judge. I understand that there is a vast difference between sitting on your couch and going to a gallery or an exhibition. Guru provides you, dear readers with refreshing breaks like a list of new galleries that are worth your time.



Can't touch this

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/10/2020

» Thailand is known as "The Land Of Smiles" because everyone here is happy and joyful all the time... right? As true as that is, there are certain things you can do here that can turn that smile upside down.



Reopening act

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/06/2020

» The time has come: people are getting out of their houses because places are starting to reopen. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? It depends on how you look at it. It's great that the butt indent on our couches is getting a relief, but then again, people overcrowding places like Ikea is the downside. They probably all rushed there to replace their sofas. Nevertheless, a number of places have reopened, which means you have stuff to do and places to see other than going to the supermarket for groceries. If you've been dying to get out of the house, these places offer a respite.



Viral innovations

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/05/2020

» This pandemic has revealed a lot of things. For starters, booze is apparently a necessity and we were this close to rioting on the streets when it seemed like the ban wasn't about to be lifted. People who didn't give a crap about others were exposed but thankfully that was overshadowed by news of people helping out and being kind, decent human beings. We've realised just how much we rely on those who deliver our food, how much we miss travelling and whether we like to admit it or not, we actually miss going to work. To top this, the ingenuity of people has also been revealed and a bunch of new innovations have been created to help out as we try and recover from this life-altering state. This week, we've got innovations from Thailand that have sprung up in response to Corona time.



Easy living

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/08/2019

» Living in Bangkok has its share of ups and downs. Then again, what city doesn't? We know we complain about living in the city in every issue we publish (we have plenty more) but that doesn't mean there are people who share the same grievances, but unlike us who just whine, have decided to do something about it. Sure, there are plenty of things to be improved upon or done away within Bangkok and we're pretty sure we all can write a long list. But we're sincerely glad to see that there are services like these that make not just living in Bangkok a little easier, but also living a greener, more-eco friendly life in the city more viable. And who's going to refuse a greener and easier lifestyle? Here are a few services to try out.



The Year That Was

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/12/2018

» 2018 has come and gone as quickly as motorcyclists swerve off the sidewalk when they see a cop. And it's been a whirlwind of a year -- the Winter Olympics, Harry and Meghan, Yanny and Laurel and the daring rescue of the boars. With the many, many events, it's hard to recap everything in one go. Plus, we don't want to make the same mistake YouTube Rewind did. So we decided to ask people from various walks to life to tell us what the year has been for them. Here's a look back at 2018 and here's us wishing you a Happy New Year!



2018 winners & losers in geek

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/12/2018

» The year has seen its share of ups and downs, highs and lows and memorable moments. Here's a breakdown of the "who owned 2018" and who were "struggs to func" (that's "struggling to function" for you non-Queer Eye fans)



Going green

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 22/03/2018

» T  he air in Bangkok has been horrendous these past couple of months and we can’t help but feel like we’re basically inhaling exhaust fumes. The difference in air quality is so evident that when you go to another country and take a huge whiff of oxygen, you actually get a bit of a high because the air is cleaner than what you’re usually used to. We can go on complaining, something you all know we’re really good at, or we can find ways to be part of the solution instead of being whiny toddlers. These businesses are providing us the opportunity to do just that.