Search Result for “New World shopping centre”

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Coming full circle

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 22/10/2021

» Bangkok has finally sprung back to life! People are venturing outside, Asoke and Siam are once again centres of headache-inducing traffic jams and dining-out is an option again. But we also shouldn't forget about shopping and while it was technically possible even during semi-lockdown, it's different now that we can go outside with relative ease. However, as we ready our wallets -- or perhaps credit cards because cashless is the way ahead -- to go on a post-lockdown shopping spree, we can also consider buying from places that help the environment and reduce waste. Whether it's buying pre-loved items or selling or donating the stuff in our closet that we've barely used, there are many avenues in the city to do just that, like Ikea Bang Yai's brand new Circular Shop. Here are a few ways you can shop 'til you drop and at the same time help make the city a greener place.



Abroad in Bangkok

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/08/2020

» With plans to travel outside of Thailand and explore a new country thwarted for the time being or indefinitely, our holiday calendars are nothing but a dream now. While nothing can replace being in another country, Guru's got the next best thing. There are places in Bangkok that aim to bring places abroad to you and we've got a list. Whether it's wanting to get photos for your socials or perhaps binge-buying foreign products, these places have you covered.



Adrenaline boosters

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/01/2018

» Bangkok can be a paradoxical city. Everyone pretty much takes it easy and everything is sabai sabai and though that's mostly a good thing, there are times you want some excitement. On the other hand, sometimes you walk out of the office after a gruelling day only to be met by the headache-inducing commute of a crowded train or heavy traffic. So how do you get your dose of excitement and at the same time let off some steam? Perhaps you go to the gym. Perhaps you and your friends gather for one or two friendly matches of football. Perhaps going to the bar for drinks is exciting and de-stressing enough for you. But this week, we've compiled a list of places and things you can do that are a little out of the norm. Time to get your blood pumping.