Search Result for “National Security Agency”

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Rights management information protection in Thailand

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 24/07/2015

» The internet has made access to a plethora of content readily available across the world. Search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and AOL have made it even easier to find content. As access increases, however, the risk of such content being duplicated or altered also rises.


IT law update (PART 1): The Cybersecurity Bill

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 23/01/2015

» Earlier this month, the cabinet approved a series of bills related to information technology, personal data, cybersecurity and telecommunications. One such bill would recast the Information and Communication Technology Ministry as the Digital Economy and Information Technology Ministry to reflect the importance of IT in Thailand's economy — the same rationale behind the entire set of bills. This article focuses on one of these bills, the cybersecurity bill. Next week in a follow-up article, we will discuss another one of these bills, the bill to amend the Computer Crimes Act.


New law puts public-private partnerships on solid ground

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 30/12/2014

» There was much fanfare last year about the enactment of the Private Investment in State Undertaking Act of 2013. Many commentators forecast an era of renewed vigour for public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Thailand.


DSI also has right to investigate customs violations

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 21/03/2014

» Business operators in Thailand should be familiar with the many administrative agencies that have regulatory and investigative authority. For example, under the Customs Act B.E. 2469, the Customs Department has the right to investigate any customs transaction that might not comply with the customs law.