Search Result for “Military coup”

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Sizing up the Kra Canal opportunity

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 02/12/2015

» Thailand and South Korea started implementing accelerated development programmes about the same time as the United States started its urgent quest to land men on the moon. In that quest, the Saturn V rocket was the game changer, for its ability to take a heavy payload, including a moon lander and three astronauts, out of the Earth's gravity to the moon's orbit. It enabled Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to land on the moon's surface and return to Earth safely more than four decades ago.


Keep a keen eye on the advisers, not just the NCPO

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 06/08/2014

» Recent days saw the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War One and the latest default by Argentina on its international debt.


Coup-makers must lead by example

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 04/06/2014

» Every military intervention is costly and the current one is no exception. It costs a lot of money to keep soldiers on the streets, and their presence spooks tourists and investors, and interrupts the process of democratic development.



The 'crooks' in charge must step aside

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 01/01/2014

» A new year, a semi-failed state?


We're not even close to achieving democracy

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 03/07/2013

» With the government of Cuba relaxing many aspects of its rule, one may be tempted to conclude that democracy will soon completely triumph over dictatorship, just over two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall. That, however, is hardly the case, according to William J Dobson.