Search Result for “MasterCard Asia Pacific Destinations Index”

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New payment methods quickly catching on

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 14/05/2021

» Thailand is a leading adopter of emerging payment methods in Asia-Pacific, driven by the pandemic and enthusiasm from the young generation, according to Mastercard, a global financial service operator.



Optimism building in hospitality industry

Business, Published on 08/07/2020

» Thailand's hotel industry is now entering a recovery phase following the easing of lockdown measures, including inter-provincial travel restrictions.



Off the beaten track

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 06/01/2020

» What are you afraid of the most when travelling off the map? For most people, lack of security and accessibility probably top the list. With world tourism growing exponentially on the back of cheap flights, and GPS making it easy for anyone to find their destination, getting away from tourist traps is growing more popular in Asia.



Hotels strategise for prosperity in 2020

Business, Dusida Worrachaddejchai, Published on 03/01/2020

» Hoteliers are responding to gloomy economic forecasts this year by doubling down on best practices and sustainable business strategies.



Bangkok tops travel index 4 years in a row

Post Reporters, Published on 21/10/2019

» Bangkok has been ranked No.1 in the Mastercard Global Destination Cities Index (GDCI) for international overnight visitors for the fourth straight year, and the sixth time in the past decade.



World Heritage help sought

Business, Dusida Worrachaddejchai, Published on 16/09/2019

» Phuket Old Town needs more support from the government to be prepared for evaluation as a World Heritage Site, as the Fine Arts Department plans to submit the city to Unesco for the 2020 list.



Bangkok retains crown as top destination

Business, Published on 11/09/2019

» The annual Mastercard Global Destination Cities Index has again named Bangkok the No.1 destination city globally and in Asia-Pacific, with more than 22 million international overnight visitors.



Team Thailand

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/10/2018

» Us living in Bangkok may be accustomed to complaining about the various things we experience on a daily basis, whether it be heavy traffic, the absence of law-abiding drivers, taxi rejections or the crowded streets and trains. And while these grumblings are founded and you have the right to complain (because we do too), there are things that we should be proud of in the Big Mango and Thailand. As evidenced by this list, plenty of accolades have been lavished to Bangkok or Thailand, and sometimes we have to put aside our jadedness to realise that we're living in a pretty great place. Just recently, Bangkok was named one of the top destinations in the world by Mastercard and was also named "the least unhappy country" by the Bloomberg Misery Index. So this week, we've done what we thought was impossible: we're putting aside the snarkiness and sarcasm -- OK, maybe we're just lessening it a tad -- and listing the awards that have been bestowed upon Thailand. This is just so we learn to do what Eric Idle from Monty Python has been singing all these years: Always look on the bright side of life. That's wishful thinking though, we'll probably be back to our usual sarcastic selves in the next issue.



Mastercard notes slight increase in local consumer sentiment

Business, Published on 10/01/2018

» Local consumers were optimistic about the Thai economy in the second half of 2017, with a slight increase in the Mastercard Index of Consumer Confidence from the previous six months.



China drives tourism growth in Asia-Pacific

Published on 18/10/2017

» The Asia-Pacific region has seen the fastest growth in tourist arrivals compared to any other region in the world but countries could do well to focus on quality rather than numbers.