Search Result for “Labour union”

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China deserves new sanctions over Xinjiang - EU

Bloomberg News, Published on 10/06/2022

» European Union (EU) lawmakers pushed to bolster sanctions against Chinese officials involved in alleged human rights violations in the western region of Xinjiang.



Johnson’s Global Britain blueprint hit by China human rights row

Bloomberg News, Published on 17/03/2021

» Prime Minister Boris Johnson insisted the UK must be ready to increase trade with China, in the face of criticism that his government is putting commercial deals ahead of security and human rights.



I’m no orangutan killer, says CEO trying to fix palm oil

Bloomberg News, Published on 17/12/2019

» SINGAPORE: Carl Bek-Nielsen, who’s about to give a tour of the palm oil plantations he runs in Malaysia, is reflecting on a story by the New York Times earlier this year about an orangutan that was shot 74 times and found close to death on an oil palm estate in Indonesia.



McDonald’s fires CEO over relationship with employee

Bloomberg News, Published on 04/11/2019

» NEW YORK: McDonald’s Corp fired chief executive officer Steve Easterbrook because he had a consensual relationship with an employee, losing the strategist who led the company’s charge into online ordering and delivery.



EU and UK reach agreement on Brexit

Bloomberg News, Published on 17/10/2019

» BRUSSELS: Negotiators from the UK reached an agreement with officials in Brussels on Thursday that could pave the way for Britain to finally break 46 years of ties with the European Union this month. The pound rose.



Thousands of workers to protest Indonesia’s labour laws

Bloomberg News, Published on 02/10/2019

» JAKARTA: Thousands of workers plan to carry out protests against Indonesia’s labour, wage and health insurance regulations, which they say are discriminatory, raising fresh risks for the stability of Southeast Asia’s largest economy.



Italy populists surge to power in new phase of European risk

Bloomberg News, Published on 01/06/2018

» ROME: Italy’s populist Five Star Movement and League parties prepared to sweep to power in a spectacular reversal of political fortunes that brings an end to three months of deadlock and opens the way to a period of friction with Europe.



Macron tightens grip on France after Assembly vote

Bloomberg News, Published on 12/06/2017

» PARIS -- President Emmanuel Macron expanded his control of French politics as voters put his party on track to a sweeping majority in the National Assembly in the first round of legislative elections.



May's future clouded as Brexit election gamble backfires

Bloomberg News, Published on 09/06/2017

» LONDON -- Theresa May’s future as Britain’s prime minister was thrown into doubt after her gamble to call an early election backfired spectacularly just 10 days before Brexit negotiations are due to start.



UK pound falls with Conservatives’ poll numbers

Bloomberg News, Published on 31/05/2017

» LONDON -- The pound declined after a projection showing Theresa May’s Conservative Party may fall short of majority in next week’s election raised the spectre of a hung parliament.