Search Result for “Government debt”

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Mid-year economic outlook: Growing with a bubble?

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 30/06/2017

» For the first time in several years, the World Bank has not adjusted its global growth forecast downward, even though there are signs of new risks. It foresees the world economy recording solid growth of 2.7% this year, improving to 2.9% in 2018 and 2019 -- thanks to the improving performance of large emerging economies such as China, India and Russia and a recovery in world trade after two bad years.


Donald Trump: Against all odds, winning with confidence

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/11/2016

» Whether you love him or not, Donald Trump is now the president-elect of the United States -- against all odds. Against all the experts and the pollsters, against the establishment, against the mainstream media, and even against his own political party, Mr Trump won the election on Nov 8 and got himself into the White House. What is the secret to this man's success?


Negative interest rates: another new normal?

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 26/02/2016

» I went to the bank the other day and found one of the accounts I had put aside for many years had hardly increased in value. I never used to think much about my savings in the bank, as I always assumed that over time, money would work for you.


The groans of August: yuan devaluation and beyond

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 28/08/2015

» The month of August does not usually bring good news to global financial markets. While it is a holiday time for many people, August has often witnessed the first signs of cracks in the global economy. We all remember the Russian debt default in 1998, the run on the British bank Northern Rock in 2007, the collapse of US financial markets in 2008 and the US loss of its AAA credit rating in 2011.


Secessionist movements: when small is more beautiful

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 26/09/2014

» It was a sensational outcome last week when Scottish people voted "No" to independence from Britain. The secession campaign failed by a margin of 55% to 45%, but this is unlikely to deter other secessionist movements around the world.


2014 markets: Don't worry, but don't be too happy

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 31/01/2014

» Happy Chinese New Year! The start of a year usually brings hope and optimism into our lives. For the global economy, the Year of the Horse promises to be a better year despite the recent currency crisis in emerging markets. Many of the challenges we faced have either abated or have been overcome.


Secular stagnation and endless protests

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/11/2013

» Once again, it has been a terrible month for Thai politics. Tension is building up everywhere. After the conflict over a wide-ranging amnesty bill that would have eased former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's return to the country, even greater opposition mounted over the Constitution Court ruling on the charter amendment bill. One thing led to another. Now tens of thousands of protesters have gathered for massive anti- and pro-government rallies, the biggest we have seen in three years.


Some thoughts that will keep you up at night

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/10/2013

» This Halloween the worst may be over for the world in general, but many people are still worried about economic conditions. In fact, the latest World Economic Outlook from the International Monetary Fund pointed to the rather spooky state of the global economy. It expects growth to expand by only 2.9% this year and 3.6% in 2014 _ down by 0.3 and 0.2 points respectively compared to the predictions it made just three months ago.


Japan is back for the last gamble

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 28/06/2013

» It is hard not to talk about Japan these days, considering how much cheaper the yen has become. Since the start of the year, the yen has dropped about 12% against the US dollar after reaching as low as 103 yen to the dollar last month. Despite gaining some strength in recent weeks, over the past year the yen has already lost more than a fifth of its value against the dollar, currently trading at about 97.


Climate change for the currency market

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/03/2013

» Currency movement is something I have been watching rather attentively this year. The baht has already appreciated about 4% since January, trading around 29.30 to the US dollar yesterday. I cannot help thinking how far we have come from the point when the baht was worth much less _ 50 to the dollar and 90 to the pound in early 1998.