Search Result for “Government debt”

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China's yuan devaluation deserves praise

News, William Pesek, Published on 13/08/2015

» China's surprise devaluation is sure to stir up fear and loathing among the world's economic populists. (Keep your eyes on Donald Trump's Twitter account.) But the move deserves praise, not condemnation.  It might even prove a boon for world growth.


Malaysia's currency woes finally catch up with it

News, William Pesek, Published on 12/08/2015

» Malaysia's ongoing currency crash has many causes: a worsening global outlook, plunging commodity prices and, of course, the political scandal enveloping Prime Minister Najib Razak. But the real culprit is the year 1997.


By some accounts, China is the biggest economic risk

News, William Pesek, Published on 20/07/2015

» The international ratings agency Fitch was downplaying concerns last week that Chinese stocks are a systemic risk to global markets. Many investors, however, are far less sanguine.


China follows Japan's approach to a stock bubble

News, William Pesek, Published on 09/07/2015

» In any discussion of historical precedents for China's ongoing battle with stock traders, Japan's epic "price-keeping operations" deserve pride of place.


China's new rules risk creating subprime economy

News, William Pesek, Published on 07/07/2015

» Everyone knows the Chinese government is desperate to keep stocks from crashing. But this desperate?