Search Result for “GDP growth”

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School drop-outs cut GDP growth

Christopher Bruton, Published on 26/02/2018

» The best educated nations are invariably the most prosperous. Among developing nations, those that have the best chances of sustainable growth to economic maturity are those where young people take the opportunity to complete the education cycle and can thereby enter advanced productive employment.



Thailand: the Human Resource Hub of CLMTV?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2017

» With the rapid expansion of political, economic and social relationships between the countries of what is now becoming known as CLMTV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam), this sub-region of ASEAN is beginning to become recognised as the mainstay of Thailand’s international relations.



Building bridges or barriers: bricks or brains?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 05/06/2017

» With so much attention now being devoted to "Thailand 4.0", the talk is all about innovation, competitiveness, sustainable development, value creation and a host of other expressions for which at this stage there are no familiar Thai language equivalents. There is also an immense amount of planning of enabling infrastructure, including high-speed trains, expressways, special economic zones, science and industrial parks, creative districts and even an "aerotropolis". All this is to be achieved in parade ground style, in a double quick timeframe.



UK "Brexit" with EU: what human resource lessons can Thailand learn?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 20/06/2016

» On 23 June 2016, British voters will take the momentous decision, whether to remain or leave the European Union. The most important issues creating the potential break-up are three-fold: firstly employment and wages, especially related to immigration of EU and non-EU citizens; secondly, the powers, pressures and costs of adherence to an overweight Brussels bureaucracy; and thirdly assessment of whether Britain is a net beneficiary or loser from the overall EU relationship.