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Last seen online

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/01/2022

» We are a few weeks into 2022 and I suspect many of us are still trying to grapple with the events of 2021. Heck, some of us may still be dealing with 2020! Time, however, waits for no one. We’re almost to the halfway mark of January (gasp) so we need to prepare ourselves for the rest of the months to come and if you don’t know where to start, Guru has you covered. From fun games that chillax you to getting the living daylights scared out of you to apps that could help your productivity, your health and even your love life, here are a few things to help you get on track.



Love in the time of Covid

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/02/2021

» It's been over a year since Covid hit and sent the world into an unprecedented time of quarantines and lockdowns. It's affected everyone's life whether it's their jobs, their mental health or their relationships. There's no question that these are trying times for everyone, and while we spend the majority of the time at Guru being all snarky and sarcastic, the stories of kindness and love during the pandemic is enough to warm our cold, scornful hearts. And since St Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we figured that the world could do with a little less snarkiness and a little more love. Though the pandemic has forced us to stay apart, it has ironically also bound us closer together, and these stories are evidence of that. From furry best friends and long-distance relationships to engagements and growing closer to mum, here are a few pandemic love stories to remind you that love is still very much all around even in a pandemic.



Stranger things

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/10/2020

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's a reason why Netflix has a bunch of them ready for you to binge like Unsolved Mysteries, which will rock you to your core at just how completely plausible they are and how they could easily happen to any of us.



Keepin' it gay, as in fun and carefree

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 17/08/2018

» Looking for a fun, gay time out in the city? Ken Kreangsak Leing is your guy. While he runs his own company Theoxeny PR Agency, representing various well-known restaurants and other hospitality businesses, he manages to find time for his other passion: the cheekily named G-Spot Entertainment. Specialising in gay parties which feature drag divas like Drag Race Thailand co-host Pangina Heals as well as several contestants from the show, G-Spot Entertainment has just celebrated its fourth year and shows no signs of stopping. Ken's parties are known for creative themes, shirtless hunks, killer drag performances and tonnes of fun. How did it all start? Ken tells Guru.



Sizzling tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/03/2017

» The summer's heat can make us do some ridiculous things. Just recently, a French woman was found running around naked near Khaosan road, complaining it was too hot. Granted, authorities said she was mentally ill, but admittedly, we know exactly how she feels. Although we would never run around butt-naked through Bangkok's streets, we've had our fair share of ridiculousness when it comes to the Thai summer. We've gone to great lengths to relieve ourselves from the heat and had some pretty unforgettable moments in the process. This week, we decided to ask you to share your experiences with us. You certainly didn't disappoint.