Search Result for “Executive”

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Women in business

Christopher Bruton, Published on 22/08/2016

» Until the more progressive countries of the World came to recognise the realities of "LGBT", it was popularly believed that all of society was born into two roughly equal groups. There were little boys and there were little girls, most of whom grew up to become men and women. Institutions recognised that natural diversity, but, except in the most enlightened societies, failed to treat those two groups with the equality that they deserved. The men went out hunting, did the heavier work, often fought with neighbouring communities, and tended to rule the roost. The women stayed home, did the housework, produced and nurtured the babies, did a lot of the lighter work around the farm, but seldom rose to leadership even though they were often wiser and tended to live longer.



Reverse mentoring: youth and seniors reverse roles

Christopher Bruton, Published on 15/08/2016

» Youth and seniors have traditionally lived in different worlds, where "ne'er the twain shall meet". Moreover, today even a difference of one generation can mean a world apart in terms of technological knowledge and skills.



Personality testing debate continued -- The Myers Briggs response

Christopher Bruton, Published on 08/08/2016

» In last week's Human Resource Watch, we discussed personality testing, with a cautionary viewpoint on the validity of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). We invited MBTI Thailand sole distributor Potentia to present their response.



Personality testing: an effective safeguard against corporate leadership disasters?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 02/08/2016

» The business environment has become much more dynamic and challenging in the last 20 years.



Performance Appraisal: when, how and why?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 25/07/2016

» Major international companies are reported to be increasingly changing their executive and staff performance appraisal systems away from the traditional, formal annual evaluations. The trend is to adopt more frequent, continuous, and less formal appraisals. However, doubts have been expressed as to whether local companies, including the subsidiaries of multinational companies, are effectively geared up to handle a more continuous, interactive appraisal system, with feedback and sometimes negative comment on staff performance.



Vietnamese workers in Thailand: lesser known but valuable labour source

Christopher Bruton, Published on 21/07/2016

» The importance of foreign migrant labour as an essential source of workers in Thailand is a topic of daily comment, discussion and concern. With rising wages and stabilising population growth, industrial and service sectors cannot effectively function without availability of non-Thai workers, mostly from neighbouring countries. Yet this valuable, essential resource is treated almost as an undesirable blight rather than a welcome benefit. Legitimate work and stay permits are provided reluctantly and in insufficient numbers. Many workers are underpaid, even to the point of almost slave labour conditions, mistreated by employers and often arrested by authorities.



Human Resource Watch: News from AEC Neighbours

Christopher Bruton, Published on 11/07/2016

» As a member country and partner within the ASEAN Economic Community, Thailand needs to keep appraised of human resources innovations and changes taking place in other member countries. We can thereby maintain our competitive advantage and potentially learn from the experience of neighbour countries.



Human Resources Watch: what can Thailand learn from "Brexit"?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 04/07/2016

» The UK referendum on remaining in or departing from the European Union (EU) was decided with a mere 51.9 per cent majority for departure. An extended period of post mortem debate, recriminations and potentially acrimonious negotiation now ensues. This will not be easy, least of all because the leaders of both government and opposition parties are now totally discredited and on their way out. Scotland hopes to quit the United Kingdom altogether. The victorious "Brexit" leaders appear to have formulated no advance plans to handle the situation.



Human Development: how advanced is Thailand?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 27/06/2016

» Economic development is one thing, human social development is another. The new popular concept of "gross national happiness", is perhaps too vague and subjective to be meaningful for international comparison. The United Nations Development Progam (UNDP concept of "human development" may work more effectively. This has been around for just 25 years, since 1990, and claims to concentrate upon the "richness of human lives" rather than the "richness of economies".



UK "Brexit" with EU: what human resource lessons can Thailand learn?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 20/06/2016

» On 23 June 2016, British voters will take the momentous decision, whether to remain or leave the European Union. The most important issues creating the potential break-up are three-fold: firstly employment and wages, especially related to immigration of EU and non-EU citizens; secondly, the powers, pressures and costs of adherence to an overweight Brussels bureaucracy; and thirdly assessment of whether Britain is a net beneficiary or loser from the overall EU relationship.