Search Result for “Chinese-funded infrastructure”

Showing 21 - 30 of 121



Asean needs a Middle Path

Asia focus, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 17/01/2022

» Despite the economic downturn during the Covid-19 pandemic, China-sponsored infrastructure, trade and cooperation initiatives with Southeast Asian nations have been moving forward consistently -- amplifying the presence of Beijing in one of the world's fastest growing regions.



Duterte’s pivot to China yet to deliver promised billions

Bloomberg News, Published on 05/07/2021

» Near the centre of Manila, construction workers are now rushing to complete a $69-million China-funded bridge by the end of this year after repeatedly missing deadlines.



From tailwind to headwind

Business, Published on 26/06/2021

» As we have discussed regularly in this column, we foresee a significant change in the economic and investment themes in the second half of this year compared to the first half.



Stocks recover after Fed calms inflation jitters

Business, Published on 15/05/2021

» Recap: Global and emerging markets gained on Friday after the Federal Reserve confirmed it would not raise interest rates until it sees inflation above its target for a certain time. Shares had slumped earlier on fears of tightening monetary policy after the US in April recorded its highest growth in inflation in nearly 12 years.



Sharing the Mekong

Asia focus, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 29/03/2021

» "The Mekong River is the source of prosperity," an old saying goes, and it was once true for Pongsak Saitongmart. The 69-year-old former fisherman and his family of five largely depended on income from fishing and a vegetable farm fed by water from the Mekong.



EU Seeks to Double Share of World Chip Market by 2030

Business, Published on 11/03/2021

» The European Union is pledging more than $150 billion to develop next-generation digital industries this decade as it seeks to reverse a widening gap with the U.S. and East Asian rivals in advanced technologies like chips and artificial intelligence.



China offers to work with Biden, warns of new 'McCarthyism'

AFP, Published on 19/12/2020

» WASHINGTON - China's top diplomat on Friday offered cooperation on key priorities of President-elect Joe Biden, warning that Beijing's many US critics were creating an atmosphere of "McCarthyism" and ignoring common interests.



Trump and Biden outline competing visions for US economy

AFP, Published on 04/10/2020

» WASHINGTON: One US presidential candidate wants to raise taxes, the other lower them. One will pursue an ongoing trade war, the other may throttle back tensions. And neither will get much done without Congress's approval.



Covid's Next Economic Crisis: Developing-Nation Debt

Business, Published on 28/07/2020

» Zambia was once a model in Wall Street's rush to issue debt for the world's poorest nations, attracting bigger orders and lower interest rates than some more-developed countries.



Sports Industry Reels From Coronavirus Fallout

Business, Published on 31/03/2020

» The story of international sports over the past decade was one of unlimited growth, unrestrained spending and unwavering popularity. Coronavirus brought the sports business to an immediate standstill. The boom times went bust overnight.