Search Result for “Break-ins”

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Guru's Weekly Buzz: Apr 14-20

Guru, Published on 14/04/2023

» Guru By Bangkok Post's pick of the most exciting products, activities, art exhibitions, shows, food and hotel deals.


Cunning trap, hotel shocker, drugs bonus, bomb plot

News, Mae Moo, Published on 11/09/2022

» Cops hatch surprise for thief



Through the looking glass

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 19/08/2022

» Have you ever wondered what the adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" mean? Through their lenses, what photographers saw was beyond words. You can catch on to that through the photographs they captured, which convey their thoughts, experiences and resolves. To get a clearer picture, Guru speaks to talented photographers, whose current works are on display, asking them to share their definitions of photography. In celebration of World Photography Day today, we also list photography workshops and talks which you can get inspiration from, not to mention a contest and an open campaign.



Hobby hideaways

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 05/08/2022

» Learning doesn't always have to be all about academic matters. You can still pick up new skills and hobbies no matter how old you are. Guru has gathered a list of interesting workshops and private classes for you to never stop growing (metaphorically). We also asked workshop instructors what they have to offer their students and their backgrounds as food for thought.



Hell for leather

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 22/04/2018

» It was a dark and stormy night.



Adrenaline boosters

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/01/2018

» Bangkok can be a paradoxical city. Everyone pretty much takes it easy and everything is sabai sabai and though that's mostly a good thing, there are times you want some excitement. On the other hand, sometimes you walk out of the office after a gruelling day only to be met by the headache-inducing commute of a crowded train or heavy traffic. So how do you get your dose of excitement and at the same time let off some steam? Perhaps you go to the gym. Perhaps you and your friends gather for one or two friendly matches of football. Perhaps going to the bar for drinks is exciting and de-stressing enough for you. But this week, we've compiled a list of places and things you can do that are a little out of the norm. Time to get your blood pumping.



Guru's Weekly Pick: Sep 15 - 21

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 14/09/2017

» Every week, we sift through tonnes of activities, shows, art exhibitions and things to do. Here is our especially curated list of what's hot this week in Bangkok and beyond. Enjoy!



Sworn out of secrecy

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 24/02/2016

» Thailand may have been taken to task by the international community for its treatment of émigrés escaping persecution, from the Rohingya to the Uighur and some Chinese dissidents. But for North Korean defectors running away from their country, Thailand is often their only safe haven.