Search Result for “Bangkok news”

Showing 51 - 60 of 62


UN chief to visit Myanmar

Published on 08/11/2014

» NEW YORK - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit Myanmar next week to attend multilateral summit meetings and meet senior officials of the country, such as President Thein Sein, as well as opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Mr Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric told a press conference Friday.



Thailand, Myanmar renew Dawei push

Online Reporters, Published on 09/10/2014

» Thailand and Myanmar agreed on Thursday to revitalise the Dawei project by allowing Thai business firms to play a bigger role in the much-delayed special economic zone scheme.


Indonesia ratifies Asean haze pact

Published on 16/09/2014

» JAKARTA — The Indonesian parliament on Tuesday passed a bill on an Asean haze pact, ratifying the accord 12 years after signing it along with other countries in the 10-member regional grouping.



Thailand to lay down own conditions at BRN peace talks

Patsara Jikkham, Published on 12/09/2013

» Security agencies are refusing to commit to demands made by the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) for peace talks and are preparing their own list of conditions, to be presented to the separatist movement representatives at their next meeting, tentatively set for late October.


China won't 'shy away' from sea row

AFP, Published on 29/08/2013

» BEIJING - Beijing will "not shy away from problems" in disputed Asian waters, its foreign minister said Thursday at a meeting between China and Southeast Asian countries.


US firms doubt AEC single market goal

AFP, Published on 20/08/2013

» SINGAPORE - Two leading American business groups Tuesday said US firms operating in Asean countries are sceptical the regional bloc can meet a 2015 deadline to establish a single market.


Filipinos protest US military presence

Published on 14/08/2013

» MANILA - The Philippines and the United States on Wednesday opened talks on increased American military presence, amid protests by leftist groups warning against foreign interference.


Projection: 23m tourist arrivals in 2013

Online Reporters, Published on 10/12/2012

» Thailand's tourism industry is likely to grow by more than 10% next year and about 23 million foreigners are expected to visit the country in 2013, Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) president Sisdivachr Cheewarattanporn said on Monday.


Pan-Asian FTA possible

AFP, Published on 31/08/2012

» SIEM REAP: Sixteen nations home to roughly half the world's population have agreed "in principle" to create a free trade area spanning Asia, according to Asean secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan.



Burma: Hillary Clinton's historic visit

Jon Fernquest, Published on 02/12/2011

» Analysis of Hillary Clinton's historic visit to Burma by scholar Ernest Bower of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Singapore.