Search Result for “Bangkok 2015”

Showing 21 - 30 of 158



Indonesia fights fires in palm-growing regions as drought looms

Bloomberg News, Published on 30/07/2019

» JAKARTA: Indonesia is stepping up efforts to prevent a repeat of haze that blanketed much of Southeast Asia four years ago by deploying thousands of firefighters and emergency response teams in its main palm oil- and rubber-producing regions.



Wirecard: No evidence of fraud as police start probe

Bloomberg News, Published on 04/02/2019

» FRANKFURT: Wirecard AG said neither the company nor a law firm it hired found conclusive evidence of criminal misconduct, helping it recover some of the 7 billion euros 250 billion baht) in market value lost last week amid allegations of fraud.



Philippines hits pause on interest rate hikes

Bloomberg News, Published on 13/12/2018

» MANILA: The Philippine central bank left its benchmark interest rate unchanged for the first time in six meetings as inflation pressures eased and the peso strengthened.


Singapore likely to name Lee's successor in waiting

Bloomberg News, Published on 22/11/2018

» SINGAPORE: Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat will be named first assistant secretary-general of the country’s ruling political party, the Today newspaper reported, paving the way for him to succeed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as premier.



China said to consider ending birth limits

Bloomberg News, Published on 21/05/2018

» BEIJING: China is planning to scrap all limits on the number of children a family can have, according to people familiar with the matter, in what would be a historic end to a policy that spurred countless human-rights abuses and left the world’s second-largest economy short of workers.



Barred from travel, Najib faces Malaysia wrath over 1MDB

Bloomberg News, Published on 14/05/2018

» As Malaysia’s most powerful man, Najib Razak worked hard to keep the public from accessing information about a multi-billion dollar scandal at state fund 1MDB. Now they just might find out all the juicy details.



What Malaysia's vote result means for economy, markets

Bloomberg News, Published on 10/05/2018

» SINGAPORE: Investors are grappling with Mahathir Mohamad’s surprise election victory in Malaysia’s election. Here’s a look at what it means for the outlook for economic policy and markets.



Facebook resists probe of Cambodia manipulation claims

Bloomberg News, Published on 30/04/2018

» SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook Inc doesn’t want to be drawn into a political dispute between the ruling and opposition parties of Cambodia. It may not have a choice.



Myanmar sees rise in tourism despite Rohingya crisis

Bloomberg News, Published on 22/02/2018

» Myanmar tourist arrivals rose 18% last year to 3.44 million visitors, despite international condemnation over the treatment of its Rohingya Muslim population.



North Korea Winter Olympics talks set for Tuesday

Bloomberg News, Published on 05/01/2018

» SEOUL: North Korea accepted a proposal to hold talks with South Korea on Tuesday, reducing tensions as President Moon Jae-in’s government prepared to host the Winter Olympics next month.