Search Result for “Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation”

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Apec summit fails to reach consensus amid US-China spat

Published on 18/11/2018

» PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea: Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum failed to reach a consensus on a post-summit declaration amid discord between the United States and China, as they wrapped up a two-day meeting, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill said on Sunday.



TPP leaders 'to seek accord without US'

Kyodo News, Published on 10/11/2017

» DANANG: The leaders of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal will try to clinch a clear agreement Friday to implement it without the US, Japanese officials said.


Trump to visit 5 Asian nations, skip Thailand

Kyodo News, Published on 30/09/2017

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump will travel to Asia, including Japan, South Korea and China, from Nov 3-14 as the United States steps up coordination with regional allies and partners in curbing the rising nuclear threat posed by North Korea, the White House said Friday.



TPP talks in Sydney end with further negotiation set for Sept

Published on 30/08/2017

» SYDNEY - Chief negotiators from the 11 remaining member countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal agreed to reconvene in September, after three days of talks ended in Sydney on Wednesday.



Japan offers conditional cooperation with Silk Road

Published on 05/06/2017

» TOKYO - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday that Japan is ready to cooperate with China's "One Belt, One Road" cross-continental infrastructure development scheme under certain conditions.



N. Korea test-fires ballistic missile after Japan-US summit

Published on 12/02/2017

» TOKYO/SEOUL - North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan on Sunday in what appeared to be a move timed to follow the first summit between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US President Donald Trump in Washington.


Japan to urge US to lead free trade after Trump inauguration

Kyodo News, Published on 21/01/2017

» Japan will continue to push the United States to join it in taking the lead in advancing free trade globally, officials and lawmakers said Saturday, after Donald Trump announced the country will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership following his swearing in as president.