Search Result for “Asean Economic Community”

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Protecting your brands and trademarks in the AEC

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 22/01/2016

» The Asean Economic Community (AEC) officially came into being on Dec 31, ushering in promises of change that businesses should adequately prepare for. Among these preparations is the resolute need to protect your intellectual property and be aware of any potential pitfalls. In this article, we discuss brand protection in the AEC and other issues important to brand owners.


Insurance laws changing with the times

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 01/05/2015

» To promote and develop Thailand's growing insurance industry and prepare for greater market activity under the Asean Economic Community, the government recently amended the laws governing the country's life and non-life insurance industries for the third time. Formally known as the Life Insurance Act No.3 of 2015 and the Non-Life Insurance Act No.3 of 2015, the amendments took effect on March 6, seven years after the previous amendments were made. The changes can be divided into three main parts as follows:


Trade laws prohibit anti-competitive practices

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 28/11/2014

» Competition law, which is also called antitrust law in the United States, trade practices law in Australia and Britain, or anti-monopoly law in Russia and China, may go by many names, but what most competition laws generally have in common are these three elements:


Thailand’s customs reward system: the slow march towards reform

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 16/05/2014

» In recent years, Thailand’s customs regime has come under increased international and domestic scrutiny. One reason is that Thailand remains one of the few countries that presume strict criminal liability for importers and their representatives, even where an under-declaration of customs duty is the result of a mistake and/or negligence.


Criminal charges relating to work permits

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 22/03/2013

» The blooming of global investment has been shrinking the world and blurring national borders. In our region, the Asean Economic Community (AEC) blueprint is designed to establish Asean as a single market and production base. It is hoped that Asean will become more dynamic and competitive, with new ways to expedite existing economic initiatives.


AEC: Moving towards a common market

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 25/01/2013

» A common market for financial services will be one of the major components of the Asean Economic Community when it takes effect at the end of 2015. This will represent a significant change for securities regulation in Thailand, where the Securities and Exchange Act, subject to some exceptions, places substantial restrictions on the offering of foreign securities in Thailand.


Anti-dumping Measures: Easing the transition to free trade

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 04/05/2012

» Many businesses in Asean countries continue to adjust to the changes brought about by the elimination of import duties, in the context of both the Asean Economic Community and other bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements. While reductions in barriers to trade _ tariff or non-tariff _ can open foreign markets to domestic producers, they also bring additional competition for domestic producers in their home markets.


Food registration with the FDA: Overcoming Pitfalls

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 09/03/2012

» With its diverse range of consumers seeking both traditional wares and more modern Western-influenced products, Thailand, like Vietnam and many other Asean countries, has become a hugely attractive and a lucrative market for foreign and local food manufacturers alike.


The AEC and labour market issues

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 24/02/2012

» The Asean Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), signed in 1995, had a goal to liberalise trade in services by expanding the scope and depth of liberalisation beyond what member states had agreed under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).