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Robinhood set to extend reach into OTA services

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 27/05/2021

» Online food delivery service provider Robinhood has vowed to double its investment budget to 300 million baht this year as it expands its reach into online travel agent (OTA) services.



Pace plans restructuring of Dean & DeLuca to stem losses

Business, Darana Chudasri, Published on 19/07/2019

» SET-listed Pace Development Corporation Plc, the Bangkok-based owner of Dean & DeLuca, is set to revamp the ailing gourmet grocer business by splitting operations in Asia and the US for business restructuring.



Personal privacy in the balance

Business, Published on 11/03/2019

» Data is hailed as the new "oil" of the 21st century, with digitalisation changing the landscape across every segment of society and business. When valuable and personal data can be exploited for personal or corporate gain, there is a need to ensure that personal information is well protected from fraud and mischief.



Programming with passion

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 23/07/2018

» Rebecca Parsons loves the great outdoors, whether it's exploring the Dalmatian Coast in southern Croatia, the Galapagos Islands or the upper Amazon, to get an up-close look at a fascinating ecosystem.



Building a company that lasts

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 22/02/2018

» The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are not merely a global agenda or war cry for sustainable development that is being taken up by governments around the world. To move forward towards global prosperity, there has to be a balance and interaction between economic and social health. As such, business corporations have an equal responsibility and, increasingly, a need, to incorporate sustainable practices into their operations and management systems. It is not just a public-relations exercise, but a factor that will give them an edge, and also provide for long-term growth in a world where business no longer caters simply to a small circle of "customers" or "shareholders", but the wider target of "stakeholders".