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Tech tracker

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 18/11/2019

» Being a technology analyst was a fairly undemanding profession when Jun-Fwu Chin started his career with IDC back at the turn of the millennium.



Fast and free

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 14/10/2019

» The supply chain of the future is all about automation, personalisation and localisation. The world is leaving the era where retailers decide when and where consumers can buy their goods and entering one where consumers tell retailers when and where they want goods delivered. That could be your house, office, car or a smart locker. And if you're a merchant, you'd better deliver that shipment fast or your customers will turn to your competitors.



Want to be invincible? Learn to innovate

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 16/09/2019

» If a company is continuously reinventing itself, it has a good chance of staying ahead of the competition. The problem for many companies is that once they become successful, or find a business model that works, they tend to focus on that and forget to renew themselves, says Alexander Osterwalder, a Swiss business theorist and author.



Facing down China

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 01/04/2019

» Repression at home, assertiveness in disputed territory on its doorstep, and expansion of soft power, economic and technological influence worldwide have all become hallmarks of confident China in the 21st century.



Japanese O2O cosmetics firm ready to grow in Asean

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 14/01/2019

» Even though it started life as a pure online player that eventually became Japan's largest cosmetics review website, istyle Inc has been busy opening physical cosmetics stores throughout Asia in response to the growing online-to-offline (O2O) trend.



The omnichannel future

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 14/01/2019

» Consumers in the digital world are rapidly driving demand for easier ways to shop, especially in mobile-mad Asia. Easy means anytime, anywhere, while accepting all types of payments. That's where omnichannel comes in, derived from the Latin prefix omni meaning all or universal.



Fresher and faster

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 03/12/2018

» Getting food from farm to fork before it goes bad has been a challenge ever since humans learned how to grow food and domesticate animals around 10,000 years ago.



Tapping into wealth

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/09/2018

» Three years ago, corporate consultant Bhaskar Prabhakara and his wife, Lavanya, were looking for a good source of personal investing advice. To their surprise, they struggled to find an advisory service that could give them what they had in mind. To make a long story short, they and their colleagues created one themselves.



B2B and beyond

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 10/09/2018

» Big companies in all kinds of businesses are being disrupted as e-commerce gains ground, but even established online sellers are not safe unless they keep adapting to changing conditions. This phenomenon has created a perfect opportunity for technology and service providers to fill in the gaps, says Paul Srivorakul, the CEO of aCommerce.



New retail

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 10/09/2018

» The relentless rise of e-commerce made last year the worst yet for traditional retailers. Shoppers around the world have made it clear that they want to do more browsing as well as buying online.