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Sandler's Hustle is a Euro step redemption tale

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 17/06/2022

» Whether it's because he has reached a saturation point with goofy comedies, or because he's too old to lead a romantic comedy, in the past few years, Adam Sandler has turned to more mature, dramatic roles. If you've seen his ventures into indie films like Punch-Drunk Love (2002), The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) or more recently Uncut Gems (2019), you'll notice that Sandler has a dramatic side to him that's surprisingly impressive. Now Sandler's back with another dramatic turn in Hustle, a Netflix sports drama where he plays a basketball scout looking for the next great player. Hustle feels like Jerry Maguire meets Rocky. It is a heartfelt, uplifting underdog movie that also serves as a love letter to the NBA.