Search Result for “4th army”

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Flying the rainbow flag, loud and proud

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 31/05/2023

» The spirit of Pride Month is about to unfold in every corner of Bangkok, inviting people of all stripes to join hands and hearts in embracing the spectrum of human diversity.



Defying authority with creativity

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 11/05/2016

» You know it's going to be an interesting exhibition (especially in Thailand's current political climate) when both police and army officials drop by to question and find reasons to shut it down. That just so happened to have occurred at the opening of "Paradise Of The Blind" by Sutthirat Supaparinya at The Reading Room last week. The show is the first part of the "Sleepover" series, a six-month project involving handing over the library to six influential groups or figures, giving them complete autonomy over the space for one month each.


Sci-fi-loving sailor

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 31/03/2014

» Angelo Gualtieri, born of an Italian father and English mother, was brought up in England. This gave him a passionate temperament held down, sometimes unsuccessfully, by British reserve and upbringing. He started his career as a research engineer in the UK, then at the Stanford Research Institute in the US, before moving to Thailand years ago.




Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/11/2012

» Historical novels and film documentaries about wars are commonplace. But with hundreds of millions of people having died in them through the millennia, it has been necessary for authors and cinemakers to limit the scope. If the list of characters goes on and on, the reader and viewer is overwhelmed.



From battlefield to field of dreams

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 12/05/2012

» A year into his retirement and Gen Pichet Wisaijon is still as busy as when he led soldiers in the battle against militants in the restive far South.