Search Result for “300 million baht”

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Off the beaten track

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 06/01/2020

» What are you afraid of the most when travelling off the map? For most people, lack of security and accessibility probably top the list. With world tourism growing exponentially on the back of cheap flights, and GPS making it easy for anyone to find their destination, getting away from tourist traps is growing more popular in Asia.


Future farming

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 16/12/2019

» Agriculture is probably one of the last things that come to mind when one talks about artificial intelligence (AI), especially in the developing world. But it is poised to become the key to increasing productivity as the world races to feed a projected 9.7 billion people by 2050.



Meth menace

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 18/11/2019

» Boshe, a community of 14,000 in Guangdong province in southern China, was once known as the "Breaking Bad Village" because it supplied one-third of the methamphetamine consumed in the country.



Lamborghini races toward revival in Thai market

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 04/02/2019

» The Italian luxury automobile maker Lamborghini expects a rapid recovery in Thailand with a new partnership, a new facility and a new model, while global sales continue to rise despite economic concerns.



Nissan debuts Leaf amid Ghosn drama

Business, Erich Parpart, Published on 29/11/2018

» Pushing scandal aside, Nissan Motor yesterday launched the new all-electric Leaf at Thailand International Motor Expo 2018 and held fast to its commitment that the EV will debut in all seven expected markets by year-end.



Big wheel

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 17/09/2018

» Jeremy Clarkson, the outspoken former host of the hit BBC show Top Gear, once observed that a Lamborghini is for "people who want to move about in a big pantomime, massive West End musical full of colour and noise, and to hell with how fast you can go around the corner".



Korea Inc sharpens strategic focus in Asean

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 04/06/2018

» South Korea is shifting its economic focus from mostly developed countries in Asia, North America and Europe to Southeast Asia with its "New Southern Policy", which aims to strengthen economic ties with Asean to diversify its trade links, a Korean minister says.



Double the fun

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 22/01/2018

» Sailing on the equivalent of a floating Macau, viewing spectacular shows and enjoying all-day indoor and outdoor entertainment are par for the course on the new generation of cruises serving the growing Asian leisure travel market.



Green but greying

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 22/01/2018

» Visit a rice farm anywhere in Asia these days and you will see a life that has hardly changed in decades. Transplanting paddy sprouts into muddy soil, swatting itch-inducing stalks with a sharp sickle and lifting heavy rice sacks into a rickety truck are all part of the backbreaking routine.



The EV Era

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 02/01/2017

» Some people might still consider electric vehicles (EV) a novelty or a rich man's toy, and others including Donald Trump might believe that talk of climate change is alarmist, so they don't see reducing the environmental impact of fossil-fuel cars as a priority.