Search Result for “.+”

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Online resources

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 28/04/2013

» An ever-expanding list of online resources for participants in Bangkok Post classes


Suggestions for teachers and parents (November 25)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 25/11/2010

» This an excellent day for using the Bangkok Post because the news is good.


Suggestions for teachers and parents (November 23)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 23/11/2010

» Today, we have our first articles from student reporters. Your students can submit their stories as well.


Suggestions for teachers and parents (November 12)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 12/11/2010

» Today’s Easy English news is a very complete lesson with text, audio and video.


Suggestions for teachers and parents (November 10)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 10/11/2010

» Check out the latest examples in our 'learning together' section and see if this is something your and your students might want to try.


Suggestions for teachers and parents (October 18)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 18/10/2010

» With the newspaper it is easy to find learning material for all ages


Suggestions for teachers and parents (October 13)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 13/10/2010

» I haven't given up on this teachers' section, but I have just been extremely busy over the past two weeks with the website, a class for employees and a book. The book should be finished tomorrow, so that will give a bit more time.


Suggestions for teachers and parents (Sept 28)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 28/09/2010

» I used the Film Annie activity I mentioned last night with one addition – the very latest news from the Thai media which the students explained to me in English.


Suggestions for teachers and parents (September 27)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 27/09/2010

» I’ll be starting my own class tomorrow for Bangkok Post employees and I’ll be trying some of the things I posted to the site, plus some things that are not on the site.


Using the Film-Annie story for a group activity

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 24/09/2010

» This is not exactly an instant lesson because it will take some preparing, but it illustrates a technique you can use again when another high-interest story breaks.