Search Result for “$3 million”

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US priest accused of abusing boys for decades in Philippines

Associated Press, Published on 09/09/2019

» TALUSTUSAN, Philippines: The American priest's voice echoed over the phone line, his sharp Midwestern accent softened over the decades by a gentle Filipino lilt.



Early voting kicks off with huge crowds, long queues

Associated Press, Published on 17/03/2019

» Hundreds of thousands of voters crowded into schools, parking lots and temples across Thailand on Sunday, eager to cast an early ballot a week before the country's first election in eight years.



Missing refugee wanted by China 'flew to Thailand'

Associated Press, Published on 11/02/2019

» BEIJING: The US Embassy in Beijing says it is following the case of a Chinese-born Kazakh man who had been fighting attempts by Beijing to return him to China from neighbouring Uzbekistan and whose current whereabouts are unknown -- although the Uzbek foreign ministry claimed he flew to Bangkok on Saturday.



King Power’s Vichai struck gold in business and football

Associated Press, Published on 29/10/2018

» Thai billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, who died when his helicopter crashed in a car park next to the soccer club's stadium, was known to fans as a smiling, benevolent man who gave away free beers and hot dogs on his birthday and brought his Leicester City Football Club its fairytale English Premier League title in 2016. He was 60.



China seizes Uighurs, abducts children as 'orphans'

Associated Press, Published on 24/09/2018

» ISTANBUL: Every morning, Meripet wakes up to her nightmare: The Chinese government has turned four of her children into orphans, even though she and their father are alive.



First private moon flight passenger to invite creative guests

Associated Press, Published on 18/09/2018

» LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK: After announcing that he'll take the first-ever commercial rocket trip around the moon, Yusaku Maezawa said he wants company for the weeklong journey. The Japanese billionaire said he plans to invite six to eight artists, architects, designers and other creative people to join him on board the SpaceX rocket "to inspire the dreamer in all of us".



US court orders ban of chlorpyrifos pesticide

Associated Press, Published on 10/08/2018

» WASHINGTON: A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration endangered public health by keeping the widely used pesticide chlorpyrifos on the market despite extensive scientific evidence that even tiny levels of exposure can harm babies' brains.



Brands say Alibaba punished them for refusing exclusivity

Associated Press, Published on 23/04/2018

» SHANGHAI: It was looking like a banner year for business in China. The US clothing company was expecting a 20% jump in online sales on Alibaba's Tmall, thanks to the e-commerce giant's massive reach.



Indonesia pulp giant tied to firms accused of fires

Associated Press, Published on 20/12/2017

» JAKARTA: Despite its denials, one of the world's biggest paper producers has extensive behind-the-scenes ties and significant influence over wood suppliers linked to fires and deforestation that have degraded Indonesia's stunning natural environment, The Associated Press has found.



9,000-plus died in battle with Islamic State for Mosul

Associated Press, Published on 20/12/2017

» MOSUL, Iraq: The price Mosul's residents paid in blood to see their city freed was between 9,000 and 11,000 dead, a civilian casualty rate nearly 10 times higher than what has been previously reported. The number killed in the 9-month battle to liberate the city from the Islamic State marauders has not been acknowledged by the US-led coalition, the Iraqi government or the self-styled caliphate.