Search Result for “$3 million”

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What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 13/02/2016

» 1 Would sitting in on a talk for half-a-day make you appreciate the intricacy of world literature? Unlikely. But when you have a master in the field talk about the subject, you know it’s more interesting than ever. On Feb 15, you are invited to attend an exclusive talk with David Damrosch, chair of Department of Comparative Literature and director of Institute for World Literature, Harvard University. Damrosch is the author of famous books, including What Is World Literature? (2003) and How To Read World Literature (2008). David Damrosch’s Public Lecture World Literature, National Markets is being held at Maha Chulalongkorn (Room 105) at Chulalongkorn University. Free admission.



Comfort for the soul

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 05/02/2016

» Dear readers, if you were born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986 or 1998 (the Year of the Tiger), read carefully. If you're looking forward to a rosy year ahead, you might be in for a major disappointment. Because 2016 is out to get you. If you scrape your car against a tree, get bitten by a dog, get pooped on the head by a pigeon, or end up on a delayed flight, remember that it might not be a pure coincidence. This year, for you, is filled with predestined mishaps. 


When consumers complain

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 26/01/2016

» In the era of convenience and, of course, convenience stores that are open 24/7, sandwiches seem to be a quick fix solution, especially for city dwellers, to keep stomachs full and happy. But, the next time you munch on a sandwich bought from one of these stores, you may want to spread the slices of bread first to make sure there's actually something inside.


What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 23/01/2016

» 1 Considering the number of times we crossed paths with Snoopy and Charlie Browns towards the end of last year, from the burger to the blockbuster celebrating the 65th anniversary of cuteness, it seems we were being given huge clues as to the theme of 2016. So it’s no surprise to see the release of Bata Tennis Featuring Peanuts shoes, white low-cut sneakers with prints of Peanuts’ characters, perfect for casual wear. The limited edition goes on sale at the pop-up store in Siam Center on Jan 29-30 from 10am. Be sure to get there early because Thailand’s Bata only secured a quota of 200 pairs.



Discovering freedom

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 08/12/2015

» 'I am most grateful for two things," said Park Yeon-mi at the recent One Young World event in Bangkok. "That I was born in North Korea and that I escaped from North Korea. These events have made me who I am today."



Stories from dad

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 04/12/2015

» Handbooks on parenting are mostly penned by mothers based on their first-hand experiences of giving birth, nursing and raising their children. But there is also a sizeable number of fathers who write parenting books too. To mark Father's Day tomorrow, Life speaks with three fathers who have chosen to convey their fatherly know-how through the written word.



The hub of culture creation

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 05/11/2015

» South Korea is stepping up to enhance its status as Asia's cultural promoter. On Nov 25, the city of Gwangju, the country's sixth largest city nestled in the southwest and boasting one of the liveliest art scenes in the country, will officially open the long-awaited Asia Cultural Center (ACC), an imposing venue that aims at forging creativity and exchange in the culture and arts of Asia.



The doc will click you now

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 13/10/2015

» At day, Dr Adunchai Sangsert changes women's lives by giving them higher noses, larger eyes and bigger breasts. But at night, after getting home and tucking his sons into bed, he switches on his computer and begins to provide answers, for free, to online questions sent to him. Queries range from a distressed mother seeking the correct way to breastfeed her newborn, to a disoriented elder who has just found out he has cancer.



The flame of hope

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 21/07/2015

» Today, 29 Thai athletes will board a plane to Los Angeles in the US. For most, this will be a first on a jet plane. Some have no clue where the US is but have been told it takes a day or so to get there. The one thing they all know is that their destination is the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games, which will begin on Saturday.


Making allowances for the elderly

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 17/02/2015

» Every second, two people celebrate their 60th birthday somewhere across the globe. That's a total of nearly 63 million 60th birthdays a year. Once people reach this significant milestone, they have the dubious privilege of being labelled old.