Search Result for “$3 million”

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In fear ofbeing forgotten

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 21/08/2016

» Monsoon rains drench the cluster of small bamboo huts clinging to the sides of the Salween River bank that separates Thailand from Myanmar. The 475 leaf-roofed huts are home to 3,356 Karen people that make up the displaced community known as Ei Tu Hta.



Medicine monk

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 27/12/2015

» The muscular arm of a saffron-clad monk, propped against the wall of a bamboo hut, draws air pictures to illustrate why his community is in desperate need of an ambulance.



Ceasefire 'broken' before it began

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 01/11/2015

» President Thein Sein called it a “historic day for Myanmar” and “a new road to a peaceful future for our country”. The Karen National Union president, Gen Mutu Sae Po, hailed it as a “new page in history”.


The deadly cost of breakbone fever

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 07/09/2014

» Poe Cho lies on the floor of the children’s ward at Mae Tao Clinic, his tiny body stilled by dengue fever. The boy, seven, was infected by dengue when bitten by the Aedes mosquito while living as a novice monk at Myawaddy’s Yaw Bu Temple, across the Moei River that separates Thailand from Myanmar.


A complex peace

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 02/02/2014

» Despite recent reforms, working in Myanmar for international non-government organisations (NGOs) is difficult. Most NGOs are concentrated in the country's urban areas, kept well away from the ethnic regions where health, education and food security is desperately needed. Like in most countries, NGOs are supposed to work in Myanmar with government agreement. This requires either a memorandum of understanding or letter of agreement with the government.


Mekong River bandit's powerful friends dry up

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 30/09/2012

» Naw Kham has been labelled a pirate, drug lord, murderer, racketeer, godfather and spy. He is listed as a fugitive on Interpol's Wanted Persons index. Earlier this year, both the Thai and Chinese governments placed Naw Kham on top of their most wanted foreigners lists, with Thailand offering a US$65,000 (two million baht) bounty for his capture.


Pilgrimage of pain for sick

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 08/07/2012

» Mary Boullier's pale fingers probe the swollen skin surrounding the barely opened slit that remains of nine-year-old Tin Tin's left eye and says, "We don't know what is causing the swelling around her eye, but when Tin Tin was admitted here she had severe anaemia. If it was left untreated it could have caused heart failure."


Myanmar's rising drug trade

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 12/02/2012

» Professor Des Ball pushes plates of what is left of a roast duck and barbeque prawn dinner to the side as he spreads a large map across the dinner table and stabs his finger at a point where northern Thailand meets Myanmar.