Search Result for “assistant features”

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The power of the placebo

Life, Published on 04/06/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: We use mints to help our six-year-old with carsickness. When the mints came from the tin, they didn't help at all. But when we started keeping them in a prescription pill bottle, the "medicine" made his symptoms go away. Is this the placebo effect? Why does it work?



New report suggests link between emulsifiers and diabetes

Life, Published on 28/05/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: I just read there's a connection between diabetes and some of the additives in commercial snack cakes and other products. I always thought it was the added sugars that are a problem, but this appears to be something else. Do you know what that is?



Working the night shift comes with many struggles

Life, Published on 21/05/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: I've been offered a new job that would start this summer. It comes with a sizable pay raise, so I am considering it. What worries me is that it's an overnight shift, which I've read is hard on your health. I would like to know more about that, and if I can avoid the negative health impacts.



People with PTSD can benefit from therapy dogs

Life, Published on 07/05/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: My brother was just diagnosed with PTSD. I would like to know more about that. A guy in his veterans' support group who got a therapy dog says it's helping him feel better. I'm interested in any research about therapy dogs and PTSD. Are they a good idea?



Flu shot may help prevent heart attacks

Life, Published on 30/04/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: I can't stop thinking about what my doctor said when I got my flu shot last fall. I'm a 55-year-old man, and I have a history of high blood pressure. He said the flu shot will give me extra protection against having a heart attack. What is the connection?



Eating in certain order helps control blood glucose

Life, Published on 23/04/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: Can you please talk about the idea that the order in which you eat your food has an effect on your blood sugar? I have a friend who never eats sweets unless she can also have some vegetables and protein. Does this really matter?