Search Result for “march 3”

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Indonesian president aims to start working from new capital in July

Published on 05/06/2024

» JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said on Wednesday that he plans to start working from the country’s new capital city next month amid concerns over the future of the project following resignations of senior executives overseeing the development.



Humbled Modi will face challenging third term

Published on 04/06/2024

» NEW DELHI - Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling party is poised to lose its majority in India’s parliament, forcing him to rely on political allies to form a government.



Trump has been convicted. Can he still run for president?

New York Times, Published on 31/05/2024

» NEW YORK - Not since Eugene V. Debs campaigned from a prison cell more than a century ago has the United States experienced what is now happening: a prominent candidate with felony convictions running for president. And never before has that candidate been someone with a real chance of winning.



China hands death sentence to ex-banker for taking bribes

South China Morning Post, Published on 29/05/2024

» BEIJING - A court in eastern China delivered a rare death sentence on Tuesday, after finding that a former senior banker accepted bribes worth more than 1.1 billion yuan (US$151 million) in his role with one of the country's top four state asset managers.



Flight crews urge buckling up after fatal turbulence

Reuters, Published on 22/05/2024

» CHICAGO - Buckle up. That is the message from flight attendants and pilots following the severe turbulence encountered by a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday that resulted in the death of one passenger and injured dozens of others.



Farm animals are hauled all over the country; so are their pathogens

Published on 20/05/2024

» The bird flu virus that is spreading through American dairy cows can probably be traced back to a single spillover event. Late last year, scientists believe, the virus jumped from wild birds into cattle in the Texas panhandle. By this spring, the virus, known as H5N1, had travelled hundreds of miles or more, appearing on farms in Idaho, North Carolina and Michigan.



Iran president dead in helicopter crash

Published on 20/05/2024

» Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been killed in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area of the country.



Philippines to buy patrol boats from Japan amid sea tension

Published on 18/05/2024

» MANILA - The Philippines will purchase five patrol vessels from Japan amid growing tensions in the South China Sea.



Myanmar residents lobby Japan to act over conscription law

Kyodo News, Published on 15/05/2024

» KYODO - Members of Myanmar's expatriate community in Japan are lobbying local assemblies to pressure the central government to accept their fleeing compatriots in the wake of the enforcement of a controversial conscription law by the junta in February.



Fierce fighting reported in Kharkiv

Published on 11/05/2024

» MOSCOW — Fierce fighting was raging on Saturday for control of several Ukrainian villages near the Russian border as the Russian military sought to press home its attacks in the northeastern Kharkiv region, Kharkiv’s governor said.