Search Result for “subject matter”

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Q&A, truth, lies, the web and you

Life, James Hein, Published on 10/04/2024

» The online world is changing and not necessarily for the better. I'm old enough to remember what you were looking for came up as the first search result, when there was a search facility, that is. The old Bulletin Boards kept their subject matter to the topic of the board with opinions kept to opinion sites. Sites on science were not one-sided as they presented the facts along with the supporting data for checking and verification. If people disagreed, they also brought their data along to challenge a thesis and a healthy and often robust debate followed. That was then.



What shape is your talent in?

Published on 08/04/2024

» For far too long organisations have taken a one-size-fits-all approach to managing their talent. The traditional approach is to hire people for a specific role, and then train employees to fulfil that role as replacement or spare parts for a machine.



Thailand Contemplates EU-Inspired Regulatory Shift

Published on 01/04/2024

» With the growth of the platform economy in Thailand, the cabinet has approved the 10 principles on platform economy law which provide a basis for the much-anticipated Platform Economy Act (PEA), a draft of which is underway with a preliminary draft having been distributed for comments from a closed group of stakeholders. The PEA is intended to replace the Royal Decree on digital platforms, passed in 2022, which merely impose notification obligations on platforms. Interestingly, the PEA draws from both the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA), combining regulations on illegal content and transparency with regulations that aim to regulate the market powers of the so-called 'gatekeepers' in one Act.