Search Result for “private sector”

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Empowering SMEs

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 01/08/2022

» 2022 has seen an "unprecedented confluence" of challenges for businesses across the world, from the protracted Covid-19 pandemic, economic slowdown and heightened inflation to geopolitical uncertainties. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) globally are among those hit hard by such an unfavourable environment.



Development the natural way

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 11/07/2022

» Southeast Asian countries don't have to follow the economic development models of the last century to grow and thrive, say advocates for a nature-based economic model.



New Asean-US era

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 13/06/2022

» The special summit held last month in Washington between US President Joe Biden and nine Southeast Asian leaders clearly emphasised his administration's attempts to engage the region it sees as central to countering China's rising influence in Asia and beyond.



Unlocking potential in South Asia

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 20/12/2021

» South Asia, home to nearly two billion people, has been among the fastest-growing regions in the world over the past decade. Yet intraregional trade is well below expected levels, suggesting that regional spillover from the growth of some individual countries has been limited.



Transformation on two fronts

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 15/11/2021

» As the two-week COP26 climate conference in Glasgow drew to a close last week, hopes were high that countries could stay on track in efforts to avert a global warming catastrophe. One key will be redoubling efforts to get carbon emissions to net zero by 2030.



Shaping the Asean identity

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 20/09/2021

» The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has come a long way in building its identity in the 54 years since it was founded. The concept of a regional community is well developed in areas such as trade and economic cooperation, but the cultural dimension remains a challenge.



Innovation race

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 05/04/2021

» Asia's middle-income countries have undergone significant economic transformation and enjoyed dramatic growth in the past decade. Yet, many still lack the ability to create innovation essential for driving productivity, economic development and sustainability, all of which are critical for their future prosperity.



Focus on food security

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 08/02/2021

» The economic impact of Covid-19 on the world's most populous region is further undermining efforts to improve diets and nutrition of nearly 2 billion people who were already unable to afford healthy diets.



Making palm oil more sustainable

Asia focus, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 11/01/2021

» Palm oil has long been a major economic backbone of Southeast Asian economies, notably Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. But the undeniable environmental impact of extensive deforestation, haze and forest fires caused by oil palm plantations has given the industry a bad reputation that has been hard to shake.