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The 2021 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/12/2021

» As the year comes to a close and we're all looking back at the past 12 months with introspection, at Guru we will stick to time-honoured tradition of being reflectively snarky. Like any other year, 2021 had no shortage of cringe-worthy and WTF moments. So before we head into the new year with resolutions we'll give up on halfway through the first month of 2022, let's roll out the metaphorical red carpet as we award moments from the eventful year. It's time for this year's edition of the Guru Awards.



Life in the time of Rona

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/05/2021

» It's no mystery that the Covid-19 pandemic has upended the lives of people from all walks of life, all over the world. From children who were looking forward to their first day of school to people in retirement, there's not a single person who hasn't felt the effects of the coronavirus, even if they weren't necessarily infected.



Quarantine 2.0

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/01/2021

» Let's be honest and admit that it was bound to happen. The second we got wind of a domestic case in Samut Sakhon, it was only a question of when things would be ordered to close. Granted, it may not be a hard lockdown like the first time around. However, as of the writing of this article, we're upwards of 10,000 cases now compared to the now-measly 1,000 or so we had the first time around so it's safe to say that things are a little worse than before. However, vaccines are set to arrive next month so there's a glimmer of hope. All we have to do is once again limit ourselves from going out in public unless absolutely necessary. I know the thought of having to once again lock ourselves at home is a drag, and that's why we've got this handy list for you. Here's how to thrive -- or at the very least, survive -- the second quarantine.



The year ahead

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 01/01/2021

» 2021 is finally here and we can finally put "The Year That Must Not Be Named" behind us! Though we're not entirely out of the woods yet, the fact remains that a new year means we can turn a new leaf and look forward to the things yet to come this year. Here is a list of things that are in store for us, which hopefully -- fingers crossed -- may actually take place this year.



Stranger things

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/10/2020

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's a reason why Netflix has a bunch of them ready for you to binge like Unsolved Mysteries, which will rock you to your core at just how completely plausible they are and how they could easily happen to any of us.



Don't rain on my parade

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/07/2020

» It's a sad twist of fate that as quarantine restrictions have lifted, the rainy season is upon us. There may be many who want to get out and about, perhaps even the introverts like me may want just a tiny bit of socialising. But don't let the rain dampen your mood. If you and your friends want to hang out and have some fun, Guru's got a few fun spots even if it's raining cats and dogs.



Reopening act

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/06/2020

» The time has come: people are getting out of their houses because places are starting to reopen. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? It depends on how you look at it. It's great that the butt indent on our couches is getting a relief, but then again, people overcrowding places like Ikea is the downside. They probably all rushed there to replace their sofas. Nevertheless, a number of places have reopened, which means you have stuff to do and places to see other than going to the supermarket for groceries. If you've been dying to get out of the house, these places offer a respite.



Viral innovations

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/05/2020

» This pandemic has revealed a lot of things. For starters, booze is apparently a necessity and we were this close to rioting on the streets when it seemed like the ban wasn't about to be lifted. People who didn't give a crap about others were exposed but thankfully that was overshadowed by news of people helping out and being kind, decent human beings. We've realised just how much we rely on those who deliver our food, how much we miss travelling and whether we like to admit it or not, we actually miss going to work. To top this, the ingenuity of people has also been revealed and a bunch of new innovations have been created to help out as we try and recover from this life-altering state. This week, we've got innovations from Thailand that have sprung up in response to Corona time.



On a liquid diet

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/03/2020

» Unless you're really health-conscious, on a cleanse or you're watching your weight, vegetable juices probably aren't your drink of choice. After all, they're not necessarily appetising. The taste of most vegetable juices take getting used to and after making numerous faces because of the odd tastes, you may start enjoying them. However, that's not the case for Paak. In fact, they may be the reason you start drinking vegetable beverages on a regular basis.



Behind the mask

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/03/2020

» Coronavirus -- you've been hearing about it, reading about it, but knock on wood you haven't been infected by it. The world has been sent reeling these past few months because of the virus. Everyone is in a state of panic. Masks are in short supply, sneezing in public places garners dirty looks and everyone is convinced they're living in Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation is behind it all (get the Resident Evil reference?). But let's all chill for a sec, which may be difficult to do given the circumstances, but we need to get our facts straight which, apparently, is hard for the Thai Ministry of Public Health to do. Let's talk about Covid-19 and how it affects us in Thailand.