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Holiday hangover

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/04/2019

» Songkran may be over but if you're like me, you'd be suffering from a severe case of holiday hangover. As much as we'd all like to remain in limbo with no work or responsibilities to worry about, we all have to face reality and get back to our usual routines. But that doesn't mean we have to jump into being all hectic again. It's good to carve out some "me time" or time with a few friends to relax and chill, even it's for just a few hours and not the three days we were so generously given over Songkran. With good company, it's time to let your hair down for another new year (see what we did there?), have a good brunch while reading a book, chat over a few drinks or maybe go on a food and shopping trip. We've got a few new places that you'll want to check out.



Team Thailand

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/10/2018

» Us living in Bangkok may be accustomed to complaining about the various things we experience on a daily basis, whether it be heavy traffic, the absence of law-abiding drivers, taxi rejections or the crowded streets and trains. And while these grumblings are founded and you have the right to complain (because we do too), there are things that we should be proud of in the Big Mango and Thailand. As evidenced by this list, plenty of accolades have been lavished to Bangkok or Thailand, and sometimes we have to put aside our jadedness to realise that we're living in a pretty great place. Just recently, Bangkok was named one of the top destinations in the world by Mastercard and was also named "the least unhappy country" by the Bloomberg Misery Index. So this week, we've done what we thought was impossible: we're putting aside the snarkiness and sarcasm -- OK, maybe we're just lessening it a tad -- and listing the awards that have been bestowed upon Thailand. This is just so we learn to do what Eric Idle from Monty Python has been singing all these years: Always look on the bright side of life. That's wishful thinking though, we'll probably be back to our usual sarcastic selves in the next issue.