Search Result for “thailand”

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Easy living

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/08/2019

» Living in Bangkok has its share of ups and downs. Then again, what city doesn't? We know we complain about living in the city in every issue we publish (we have plenty more) but that doesn't mean there are people who share the same grievances, but unlike us who just whine, have decided to do something about it. Sure, there are plenty of things to be improved upon or done away within Bangkok and we're pretty sure we all can write a long list. But we're sincerely glad to see that there are services like these that make not just living in Bangkok a little easier, but also living a greener, more-eco friendly life in the city more viable. And who's going to refuse a greener and easier lifestyle? Here are a few services to try out.



The Thailand Files

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/08/2019

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's something deliciously entertaining about the possibility that something could be true and we could spend hours and hours just reading and watching documentaries about the numerous conspiracies out there. Of course, there are others who are at the far, far end of the spectrum, who believe all conspiracies and consider themselves "truthers". Get stuck in a room or a car with these guys and they'll go on and on about how mobile phones are brainwashing you, the CIA knows your every move and how the Illuminati controls the world. Of course, there are also those simply want to have harmless fun like, you know, the nearly 2 million people, as of the writing of this article, who want to storm a certain top secret US government facility on Sept 20, as well as the lesser popular plan to storm Bangkok's Democracy Monument, which would have passed by the time this is published and will most likely involve less aliens. Nevertheless, don't think for one second that Thailand is spared from conspiracies! We've got a few right here. Remember, as a great TV show once said, "The truth is out there".



A few too many heroes

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/07/2019

» In a world that's filled with super-serumed worthy captains, broody billionaires in batsuits (either with or sans nipples) and "love you 3000s", it's obvious that it's the golden age of superheroes. Now a normal everyday part of pop culture, these characters and worlds are no longer just the talk of nerds and geeks in the closed enclaves of comic book stores, evidenced by the fact that the highest grossing film of all time is now a superhero film. It's in this superhero-saturated time that the card game Too Many Heroes will be introduced. Ironically, the game deals with a universe wherein there are... well, too many heroes and there are certain effects to society because of their presence. The game's three creators — Carol Blackmon, Sacha P. Nathan and Sunny Sachdev — have worked together to make the game's universe, which is an alternate reality to our own, as detailed as can be. Guru talked to Blackmon, the game's art director and Nathan, the game's writer, about Too Many Heroes.



Choux on the go

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/07/2019

» The constant on-the-go society we live in today may cause some of us to miss the finer things in life -- beautiful scenery, great food, wonderful people -- unless we actually set aside some time to drop everything and just fade away from society for a short while. Sadly, that can't be the case for most and we find ourselves being in the thick of it all day in and day out. But that doesn't mean simple joys and delights can't be found even in our hectic schedules. Enter Croquantchou Zakuzaku.



Don't rain on my parade

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/07/2019

» The rainy season is in full swing and downpours are becoming more and more common, so us Bangkokians are either being rained upon or being beaten down by heat, so yay! While the rain (or the heat) tempts us all to lock ourselves up at home, that doesn't have to be the case. Rainy days don't necessarily mean bingeing Netflix shows (nothing bad about that though, you do you). But if you're getting a little bit of cabin fever and think that the pesky rain is keeping you from fun and entertaining stuff, think again. Guru has listed a number of indoor activities during the monsoons.



Tea riffic

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/07/2019

» Tea aficionados have a lot of places to choose from to satisfy their cravings and that's a good problem. Whatever variety you're looking for, there's a good chance that you're going to find it somewhere in Bangkok. Tea Stand 7 has jumped into the tea fray but surprisingly, they're offering stuff that I haven't seen before.



The AI game

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/06/2019

» Arthit Suriyawongkul has got a pretty impressive list of achievements that seems to destine him to be an AI expert. An alumni of Thammasat Univeristy, he got his Bachelor of Science in IT then went on to study Cognitive Science and Natural Technology at the University of Edinburgh. He returned to Thailand after the 2006 coup and was one of the people who lent his voice to help protest the Computer-Related Crime Act of 2007. He also got a Masters degree for Anthropology from his alma mater. Now, he is the AI Research Engineering Manager at Wisesight and is one of the people that helped develop a new social media analytic tool called "Social Seeing". With his degree and vast experience in IT, as well as being well-versed in all things AI, we didn't just talk to him about the new software he helped develop. We also talked about privacy in the social media stage and if it's at all possible that we'll be slaves to our AI overlords in the next few years or so.



The new gold

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/06/2019

» Ah, Bangkok -- the city of traffic, dangerous sidewalks, delicious street food, scammy taxi drivers and jumping-on-the-bandwagoners. Bangkokians love getting on the latest trend and craze, so when the salted egg phenomenon hit, it was only a matter of time before we were swimming with all things kai khem. Lo and behold, we are now living in the age of the salted egg. Everywhere you look, there seems to be a special salted egg dish or snack that you can try. If you're feeling overwhelmed, I get you. If you're wondering how the heck salted egg is a thing, I get you, too. I wasn't entirely sure myself. But in the spirit of top-notch investigative journalism that we are known for at Guru (wot?!), I decided to embark on a salty journey. For the sake of you, dear readers, and so that you don't have to gorge yourselves on everything salted egg, we present salted egg delicacies the city has to offer, with the real question answered: Yay, Nay or Meh.



Puttin' on the Ritz

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/06/2019

» The name "Ritz-Carlton" is synonymous to luxury so when I stayed at their location in Koh Samui, I expected nothing less. I'm glad to say they didn't disappoint. The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui offers guests a relaxing and indulging stay complete with a variety of choices to dine at, a number of activities to enjoy, rooms that are just fan-freaking-tastic and an oceanfront location that provides views that will take your breath away.



The art and science of burgers

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/05/2019

» Rattanapong "Taiki" Tsubota made waves two years ago when he started Homeburg. If it isn't obvious already, the name is a mix of "home" and "burger", which encapsulates the burgers he made back then. But that isn't the reason why his burgers went viral. Aside from being meticulously and precisely crafted, he was serving four to eight burgers a day, eventually racking up a long wait list. Now, he's set up shop for the next six months at 72 Courtyard with Bun Meat & Cheese by Homeburg, where he's serving his famed burgers with a slightly higher availability at 100 burgers a day. We sat down with the burgerman to talk about his method and process, and why he wants to keep a limit on the burgers.