Search Result for “at&t”

Showing 21 - 30 of 38



Weapon of choice

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/04/2019

» In my army days, we were issued used M1 rifles. They were heavy and either had hair triggers or they had to be pulled way back before firing, by which time the target had moved.


The end is nigh

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/03/2019

» It has been determined that we've been around for 4.5 billion years, Earth the only habitable planet in the solar system.



Fact or fiction?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 21/02/2019

» It is common knowledge that the KGB weren't above using sex in its spying activities. Books were written and movies made about it. What isn't generally known is that the Russian Federation's FSB are not only continuing the practice but expanding it.



Isis foiled

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/02/2019

» Until a few years ago, no Western publisher dared say a word against Isis, the Muslim terrorist extremists infamous for taking umbridge and reacting violently. No longer. Isis is now targeted by the media and by novelists with impunity.


A word to the wise

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 24/01/2019

» A cloak-and-dagger book again, but this one is the Real McCoy. A veteran CIA operative of three decades, Jason Matthews has seen and done it all. As the saying goes, he knows where the bodies are buried. The theme of The Kremlin's Candidate is that the US is engaged in a second Cold War, brought about by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin.


Ravens' feast

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 27/12/2018

» This reviewer's understanding of historical novels is that the authors do historical research on their topic, using actual figures and imaginary ones where need-be, to write essentially factual and hopefully interesting stories. But not all historical novelists follow this form. Some are more concerned about their own largely fictitious story than the actual events behind it.


Barbed humour

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/10/2018

» It was as a soldier boy in President Truman's "Police Action" that I first visited Asia -- South Korea and Japan.


Isis destroyed

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/09/2018

» As most of the hijackers responsible for the 9/11 outrage were Saudi Arabian, it stands to reason that the US would take the kingdom to task. Instead, Washington turned its ire on Afghanistan and Iraq. How could that be? In fact, it made sense. America is Saudi's biggest oil customer and didn't want it to stop flowing, the more than 3,000 dead at New York's Twin Towers notwithstanding.



Banks grows on you

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/08/2018

» It's a relief to read a crime thriller that doesn't bill itself as a psychological mystery. Frankly I'm not an armchair psychologist, much less psychiatrist. I much prefer simple -- what you see is what you get -- people to complex -- you don't know the real me.



Grisham winner

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/06/2018

» To add insult to injury, the Third Reich spent not a single mark of the German taxpayers' money on the ghettos, death camps, gas chambers or crematoria. There was no budget for the Holocaust. The expenses were covered by money stolen from the Jews themselves.