Search Result for “thailand”

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Team Thailand

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/10/2018

» Us living in Bangkok may be accustomed to complaining about the various things we experience on a daily basis, whether it be heavy traffic, the absence of law-abiding drivers, taxi rejections or the crowded streets and trains. And while these grumblings are founded and you have the right to complain (because we do too), there are things that we should be proud of in the Big Mango and Thailand. As evidenced by this list, plenty of accolades have been lavished to Bangkok or Thailand, and sometimes we have to put aside our jadedness to realise that we're living in a pretty great place. Just recently, Bangkok was named one of the top destinations in the world by Mastercard and was also named "the least unhappy country" by the Bloomberg Misery Index. So this week, we've done what we thought was impossible: we're putting aside the snarkiness and sarcasm -- OK, maybe we're just lessening it a tad -- and listing the awards that have been bestowed upon Thailand. This is just so we learn to do what Eric Idle from Monty Python has been singing all these years: Always look on the bright side of life. That's wishful thinking though, we'll probably be back to our usual sarcastic selves in the next issue.



The world in between

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/09/2018

» Dhanut Tungsuwan is an up-and-coming artist who has had a number of exhibitions showing off his immense talent and work in Britain. A Harrow alum, he studied art and design at Central Saint Martins and Chelsea College of Art & Design. He's now back in Thailand where he recently opened a new exhibition entitled "Transitions" at Tadu Contemporary Art by Thaiyarnyon. Guru spoke to him about the exhibition, and his ideas and inspiration.



Cho Kawaii

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/09/2018

» Themed cafes are the latest craze popping all over the Big Mango and what's not to be crazy about? After all, would you rather sit in a quaint little cafe or would your rather be in a place with walls adorned with bright coloured-rainbows in a unicorn onesie, or wearing a mermaid fin while you feast on a rainbow cake and slurp on a rainbow slushie? OK, to each their own, I guess. But if you're one of the latter and want a more heightened cafe experience then you've come to the right place or should I say you're reading the right piece. Here are seven themed cafes to indulge yourself in Bangkok.



Keepin' it gay, as in fun and carefree

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 17/08/2018

» Looking for a fun, gay time out in the city? Ken Kreangsak Leing is your guy. While he runs his own company Theoxeny PR Agency, representing various well-known restaurants and other hospitality businesses, he manages to find time for his other passion: the cheekily named G-Spot Entertainment. Specialising in gay parties which feature drag divas like Drag Race Thailand co-host Pangina Heals as well as several contestants from the show, G-Spot Entertainment has just celebrated its fourth year and shows no signs of stopping. Ken's parties are known for creative themes, shirtless hunks, killer drag performances and tonnes of fun. How did it all start? Ken tells Guru.



All about that kid detective

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 10/08/2018

» The Detective Conan manga and anime has been around for some time and has gained a following in Thailand. Tales of a high-school detective transformed into a kid due to a pill that was meant to kill him is still ongoing until today. Fans of the anime are in for a treat because Bangkok is now home to the first overseas Detective Conan Cafe outside of Japan.



Into the looking glass

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/08/2018

» We are now past the half-way mark of 2018. Yes, it's insane how time flies. Before we know it, we'll be doing a Christmas issue and wishing you a New Year. Although it seems like the days are flashing right before our eyes, there's still a bunch of days, weeks and a handful of months left in 2018 for us to enjoy. Case in point: all these thing left to look forward to as we draw nearer and nearer to the end of the year. Here are our picks.



Monsoon tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/07/2018

» While the scorching heat of Thailand will always be around, we're now into the season where that would be alleviated with a "bit" of rainfall. Yes, it's rainy season in Thailand, which means an increase in picky taxi drivers, wet floors on the BTS and Minesweeper-like pavements that could spew dirty water on you when you step on them. Despite the great inconvenience it causes, it also results in great stories that shouldn't just be kept to ourselves. Having said that, we asked you, our dear readers, what experiences you've had in the torrential downpour season, and as always, you didn't disappoint. Here are our faves.




Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 29/06/2018

» We are smack in the middle of the World Cup, and unlike Americans who use phrases like "World Series" or "World Champions" despite having only American participants, the majority of the world is actually involved in this tournament. There's only about two weeks left, but there are a lot of matches to watch and a whole lot of World Cup to keep you going. Fortunately, Bangkok is high on the World Cup fever, and we've got a number of places you can visit to keep that high.



Eat around the clock

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 01/06/2018

» One of the things Bangkok is known for is its food. Whether it is easily accessible street food or restaurants, which serve different cuisines in every corner of the city, the Big Mango is foodie heaven. However, something that the city doesn't have a lot of, as yet, are places that are open 24 hours. Sure, you can settle for pad thai or bamee on the street, but we don't like settling when it comes to food and what we eat. Fortunately, there are a number of places that are not just open around the clock, but also serve quality food. Gone are the days of having to eat microwaveable meals from the 7-Eleven because that's all there is. Here are four restos in Bangkok that are open 24/7.



Historic stays

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 18/05/2018

» New hotels popping up around the city are a common sight in Bangkok. It's a delight to see that tourism isn't slowing down and that the city is being modernised more and more each day. The downside is that the essence and spirit of old Bangkok may be forgotten amid the urbanisation. However, there are a few who choose to not only preserve the old culture of the city, but also share it with people from out of town. We've got four hotels with rich histories you could check in at for a different experience.