Search Result for “bangkok”

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Why populists increasingly become more popular

News, John Lloyd, Published on 12/03/2018

» Those who feel left behind by the enrichment of the minority and the stagnation of the many are choosing to be represented by political forces that cannot give them what they need, and will likely make their lives worse.



What Italy's power crash means for the EU: It's all bad

News, John Lloyd, Published on 07/03/2018

» Power has crashed down in Italy -- in two senses.



In illiberal societies, a wider #MeToo movement

News, John Lloyd, Published on 13/02/2018

» In China, women calling themselves the "silence breakers" have demanded investigations into allegations of sexual harassment. In doing so, they pit themselves against a macho culture, a Communist Party deeply allergic to independent citizens' initiatives, and an exaggerated and assiduously cultivated respect for hierarchies, themselves male-dominated.



Trump peddles platitudes in Davos

News, John Lloyd, Published on 30/01/2018

» "When people are forgotten the world becomes fractured," President Donald Trump observed to the Davos forum in his breathlessly awaited speech on Friday.



Democracy is key for uniting disparate Europe

News, John Lloyd, Published on 08/01/2018

» The European political year, grinding back into gear for 2018, is full of doubt, even woe. In the continent's major countries politics are stuck, or likely to stick, in cul-de-sacs from which exit is difficult. Only in France, under the banner not so much of the tricolour as the injunction En Marche! (Let's Go!), is there official optimism and vigour.


Once centres of hope, political parties are dying

News, John Lloyd, Published on 03/01/2018

» There's little difficulty in showing that some of the most venerable political parties of the democratic world may be facing terminal crises. The difficulty is in determining if government by a party or parties -- the sustaining base of administrations the democratic world over -- can last.


Now, for a completely different clash of civilisations

News, John Lloyd, Published on 18/12/2017

» The Darkest Hour, a film which emphasises the courage and iron will of Winston Churchill through the first weeks of World War II, is drawing audiences and praise on its release in North America. It shows new generations that this man -- mocked and marginalised in the 1930s by his party -- was an inspirational leader during those bleak days, and beyond. Yet the acclaimed war-time prime minister was also an imperialist and a racist.