Search Result for “bangkok'"”

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Why headhunters don't answer your emails or calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 28/11/2019

» “Once upon a time” is the phrase that begins fairy tales and fabulous stories set in some unspecified moment in the past. Except the story you are about to read. There is nothing “fairy” or “fabulous” about this real life experience of mine.


Why headhunters don't answer your emails or calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 19/11/2019

» "Once upon a time" is the phrase that begins fairy tales and fabulous stories set in some unspecified moment in the past. Except the story you are about to read. There is nothing "fairy" or "fabulous" about this real life experience of mine.



Too many employers treat candidates like dirt

Tom Sorensen, Published on 29/10/2019

» Bad hiring practises ruin your company's image and brand. Full stop! Why do top executives let this happen? Why does this improper behaviour by hiring organisations and managers continue to be a subject in my articles?


Talent today and tomorrow: Boyden Global Trend survey

Tom Sorensen, Published on 10/09/2019

» Do you agree? It is becoming harder to find quality talent, and that in turn continues to result in a more competitive marketplace and increased salaries in many industries; particularly those with niche skill sets such as technology.



Are you still in the dark how to lead your organisation in a digital world?

Tom Sorensen, Published on 08/07/2019

» If you too are scratching your head, how to deal with Digital Implementation, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Internet of Things, we say: Welcome to the Club, Ladies and Gentlemen.


Recruitment fraud has serious consequences for employers

Tom Sorensen, Published on 14/05/2019

» Have you ever been cheated, exploited, manipulated and jerked around by a candidate or applicant who wanted a job in your organisation? You may have, but perhaps you don’t know?



Attention all job-seekers: Give your resume a makeover for 2019

Tom Sorensen, Published on 11/03/2019

» Here's the thing you must keep in mind when writing your resume, also known as your personal marketing pitch.


Why a top candidate rejected a job offer

Tom Sorensen, Published on 11/02/2019

» Here you are, this is for you: Recruiters, HR professionals and hiring managers. You will get lots of learning points in this unbelievable real-life story of why a candidate declined a job offer from a famous brand name in the industry.



A recruiter’s nightmare: new hires who walk away from already accepted offers

Tom Sorensen, Published on 15/01/2019

» So true, there is nothing as frustrating as getting that call from a candidate who recently signed your offer letter and employment contract.



Three things most HR Managers still don't get

Tom Sorensen, Published on 17/12/2018

» You will be surprised when you read this. Something so simple as knowing the Thai Labour law inside out. You would expect that from HR, right?