Search Result for “old”

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One giant leap for womankind

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 01/09/2020

» Houston, we are ready to launch with the latest Netflix series Away, as it takes its daring crew and audience on an epic journey to outer space. Their destination? Mars. However, this grand voyage comes at great personal cost and sacrifice for the crew who have to reconcile being away from the gravitational pull of home and the people on Earth that have to move forward without their physical presence.



Crossroad of ideologies

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 12/08/2020

» What is Ratchadamnoen Road like in your memory?



Bad girls forever

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 08/07/2020

» What would you do if you found yourself just unable to die? For the soldiers of The Old Guard, they do what they do best. They fight. For centuries and millennia, this tight-knit group of mercenaries head to different battlefields and engage in countless dangerous missions, hoping they are doing something good for the world.



Women in action

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 08/07/2020

» Bombarded by a shower of bullets. Getting shot in the head. A bone-breaking brawl on a plane. The group of mercenaries in Netflix's latest action flick The Old Guard are tough and have been taking hits in their stride for centuries, as they can't be killed. However, the going gets especially tough for its women as the de-facto leader of the group, played by Charlize Theron, discovers their secret has been exposed as she takes on protege Kiki Layne, who is thrust into a new world upon rising from the dead.



Stories from quarantine

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 11/06/2020

» When the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a lockdown that put many industries on hold, a group of filmmakers and actors from Nadao Bangkok banded together to make a series of short films from their home. The process is done almost entirely online, with no physical meeting between the cast and crew.



Bring him home

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 28/04/2020

» Plenty of action and explosions blazed their way around town in second-unit stunt director Sam Hargrave's directorial debut feature Extraction. Gunfights.



A new way forward

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 01/04/2020

» Many Thai filmmakers would agree that our movie industry is in the rough. Several obstacles are preventing it from flourishing. A group of film professionals recently gathered for a plenary discussion held at Unesco Bangkok to address the challenges of, and the changes they want to see in, the Thai film sector.



Incomplete delivery

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 13/03/2020

» Letters always carry a certain nostalgic allure in this fast-paced digital age. Gone are the days when we poured our hearts out through handwritten words, waiting with longing and anticipation for the reply. To this generation, letters may represent something of a fascination. A past long gone. A thing to look back on, to miss, but with no functional place in today's reality.



New ways of life

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 05/02/2020

» Explore possibilities for the way we can live at Bangkok Design Week 2020 (BKKDW), now ongoing in the Charoen Krung neighbourhood of Bangrak district until Feb 9.



The edutainment continues

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 21/01/2020

» Netflix's teen dramedy Sex Education is now back for a second season, packing sexuality exploration and the fragility of adolescents in a hilarious but informative manner.