Search Result for “old”

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Dispelling myths about head position

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 10/04/2024

» Stay behind the ball is an old saying golfers hear often but show me a player who doesn't move their head during a swing. As all the top players move their heads slightly backwards before and during impact -- never forward.



Mastering the art of 'No Mistakes Swing'

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 03/04/2024

» Golf and psychology seem to go together and many a psychiatrist has been visited by a golfer regardless of their competence. I knew of one well known player who when under intense pressure went to what he called the "no mistakes swing" which he had in his repertoire -- a simple, reliable type of swing that he could call upon when he was in contention with a few holes to go. This swing wouldn't do anything fancy and wouldn't hit the ball as far as normal, but it was a repeating swing that would put his ball somewhere in the fairway or on the green.



Develop right muscles with weighted club

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 28/02/2024

» I'm asked regularly on how you put backspin on iron shots. The obvious answer is that if you hit the ball solidly, the loft of the club will automatically put backspin on it. But my answer is invariably too simple, as the average golfer thinks there's a secret that makes a middle-iron shot land on the green and dance backwards.



Let your left heel come up for real free flowing swing

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 21/02/2024

» A retired golfer has the time to practise the short game. Short shots don't require strength or flexibility. Certainly, the older golfer can't hit the ball as far as the younger player but once you reach the fringe of the green young and old become no worse than equals. Nothing sharpens your focus and improves your touch if you just use one ball in practice for getting up and down.



Keeping your head down for too long will hinder swing

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 14/02/2024

» A golfing myth is that we must keep our heads down -- in fact, keeping it down too long will hinder your swing. Keeping your head down too long prevents a good follow-through because a golfer can't swing past hip-high with the head down and not give up something good in the finish to do it.



Let the left heel come up for easier body turn, freer swing

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 07/02/2024

» Golfers who ride in golf carts are always driving here and there from one ball to the other, taking up a lot of time. If the rule is in effect that the cart is not allowed to leave the path, golfers are inclined to dawdle over club selection and make unnecessary trips back and forth from the ball to the bag. Walking keeps senior golfers' legs strong, and strong legs make for a more powerful swing.



Keep your head still is a misleading old golf myth

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 25/10/2023

» Is it possible to keep your head completely still when you swing the club? If so, is it beneficial to do so? Well, the answer is no.



Get your elbows in proper position of pointing at hips

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 19/10/2023

» If you have ever seen Ben Hogan set up to hit a ball, you'll notice that his elbows were pointing directly at the corresponding hip.



A good shoulder turn will add power and consistency

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 30/08/2023

» Rotation keeps coming up when attempting to analyse the swings we use when negotiating a small ball around a golf course.


Turn on axis instead of lateral slide

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 19/07/2023

» By moving your left knee forward, the hips are naturally turned back and allow for the backswing to occur. By making sure the kneecap doesn't move laterally, you are limiting the overall movement of your lower body, and in doing so promoting a more reliable and compact swing.