Image licensing request form

Welcome to Bangkok Post Image Stock, the most comprehensive source of editorial photography in Thailand by our professional photojournalists. Every day you see hundreds of our new ready-made images licensed for use in your publication, advertising, or promotional materials to illustrate your work.

How to order?

Just fill out the following form and our customer service will get in touch with you to provide details about licensing fees and payment methods. We will send you a link to download the images you ordered after we receive your payment.

Your requested photo


Photo description

  • Name : แตงโม ภัทรธิดา พัชระวีรพงษ์
  • Stock ID : doc7kqbnpecbr4f8thnbyh
  • Photographer : Pattarapong Chatpattarasill
  • Copyrights : Bangkok Post
  • Date of taking this photo : April 26, 2022

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By virtue of submitting the online order form to the Post Publishing Public Company Limited (“Licensor”) to subscribe for using the particular content(s), video(s) or picture(s) from Licensor as details specified in the accepted order form (“Copyrighted Material”), you whose name specified in the purchase order (“Licensee”) hereby agree and accept to abide by all of the following terms and conditions of this License Agreement strictly.

  1. 1. LICENSE

    1. 1.1Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable rights to use the Copyrighted Materials for the purpose specified in the accepted order form provided by Licensor.
    2. 1.2Licensee shall have the rights to use the Copyrighted Material for the purposes as stated in 1.1, including the right to display, make available to public and view the Copyrighted Material and subjects to the terms and conditions of use stipulated herein.
    3. 1.3The License shall be valid for 6 months from the first date of delivering Copyrighted Material to the Licensee. Continued use of the Copyrighted Material after termination or expiration of the Agreement shall be deemed a copyright infringement in addition to a breach of contract, and Licensor shall be entitled to avail itself to the full remedies at law provided for both copyright infringement and breach of the contract.
  2. 2. TERMS OF USE

    1. 2.1 Licensee agrees that it shall;

      1. 2.1.1use the Copyrighted Material only for the specific purpose described in the accepted order form. Any use that exceeds such specific purpose shall be deemed as breach of contract and violate Licensor's copyright;
      2. 2.1.2not edit, change, modify, adapt, reproduce, translate, assemble, and/or distort of all or any portion of the Copyrighted Material in any manners or do otherwise to the Copyrighted Material, or causes otherwise defamatory, infringe the intellectual property rights of any person, or otherwise violate any person’s personal proprietary or privacy rights;
      3. 2.1.3not use the Copyrighted Material for any purpose or in any manner that is unlawful or contrary to morality or the Agreement; that could cause damages to Licensor or to others; that would hamper Licensor’s ability to continue to license its Copyrighted Material to others and that would impair to Licensor business and interests.
      4. 2.1.4publish the copyright's notice "© Copyright Post Publishing PLC, All right reserved" appeared apparently wherever the Copyrighted Material are used.
    2. 2.2Licensee agrees that Licensor has the right to inspect and monitor Licensee's use of the Copyrighted Material at any times.

    The Copyrighted Materials are owned and belong exclusively by Licensor. This license shall not operate as an assignment, transfer or sell of intellectual rights or any right of Licensor as may subsist in or be contained in the Copyrighted Material. Licensee has no right to assign, transfer, sell, offer, sublicense or do otherwise to the Copyrighted Material without permission of Licensor. Licensee further agrees that it shall not infringe any intellectual property rights of Licensor or any person and it shall acquire no rights to the Copyrighted Material whether in whole or in part.


    1. 4.1.1If Licensee fails to comply with any terms of the Agreement or pay the license fees late or incorrectly, Licensor may, at its sole discretion, cancel the license and delete the Copyrighted material temporarily or permanently without notice and Licensor has no obligation to indemnify Licensee for whatever reasons.
    2. 4.1.2Licensee shall be liable and responsible to any damage caused by its fault and the breach of the Agreement.
    3. 4.1.3Licensor shall not be liable for any damages, costs and expenses from any cause or fault whatsoever; however, in no events shall Licensor's liability for all losses or damages from any cause or fault whatsoever is exceed the license fees actually received from Licensee.
    4. 4.1.4Licensor will not be responsible in any respect or for any amount for loss or delay caused by events that we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts omissions of public authorities.
  5. 5. OTHERS

    1. 5.1.1Licensor shall not refund the license fees to Licensee for any reason.
    2. 5.1.2Licensor reserves the right to cancel, change and modify the license conditions at its sole discretion.
    3. 5.1.3Licensor reserves the right to agree or disagree to provide the Copyrighted Material to Licensee at it thinks fit.
    4. 5.1.4Licensee acknowledges that in normal journalistic industry practice, errors occasionally occur, and Licensor makes no warranties as to the sequence, completeness, accuracy, release and/or reliability of the Copyrighted Material and any person of thing contained in the Copyrighted Material. Nothing contained herein shall warrant and represent that the Copyrighted Material and the use of such will be merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, satisfactory quality, uninterrupted or error free, free of bugs, or that all defects will be corrected; or that it will meet Licensee needs. Notwithstanding stipulated to the contrary in the Agreement, Licensor provides the Copyrighted Material without warranty of any kind.
    5. 5.1.5Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Agreement shall be governed and construed by the laws of Thailand. Each of the parties hereby irrevocably consents to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Thailand for any actions or proceedings arising out of or relating to the Agreement and waive any objection it may now or hereafter have to venue or forum.



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