
Showing 1 - 4 of 4



Skill builder

Asia focus, Published on 23/09/2019

» For a person with a world-class list of accomplishments and awards, Harriet Green is refreshingly humble. And on hearing the passion in her voice when she talks about education, I could not help but be inspired by her words.



Sinking Cities

Asia focus, Published on 02/09/2019

» One of the most pressing challenges the world is facing as a result of climate change is rising sea levels. Scientists predict that oceans will rise by between 0.3 and 2.5 metres by 2100. This will put many coastal areas at risk, with potentially catastrophic consequences for large cities.


Terror on two wheels

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 05/02/2018

» The motorbike has long been a popular mode of transport in Asia because it's cheaper than a car and can zip through traffic-clogged cities faster. Over half of all global motorbike sales of around 50 million units per year are in Asia and two-thirds of the people of driving age in the four top markets (India, China, Indonesia and Vietnam) own bikes.



Kim Jong-un floats a hot-air economic balloon

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 16/01/2017

» "Juche", or self-reliance in the face of international isolation, has been the only economic strategy on offer in North Korea ever since Kim Il-sung came to power seven decades ago. But the founder's grandson and today's "Supreme Leader" has now laid out his first five-year economic plan as he sets out to stamp his authority on the country.