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Come fly with me

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 04/06/2021

» Among the many things that we've lost during this pandemic, the ability to get on a plane on a whim and fancy has been the biggest. If you've ever been to Suvarnabhumi International Airport in the past months to just walk around with a trolley to remind yourself what it feels like waiting for your flight (no? just me then?), then you'll know that the airport is a shadow of its former self. Even if you did manage to book a flight, it involves so much paperwork and costs so much, coupled with the fear of catching the virus, it's not worth it unless in an emergency.



A few too many heroes

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/07/2019

» In a world that's filled with super-serumed worthy captains, broody billionaires in batsuits (either with or sans nipples) and "love you 3000s", it's obvious that it's the golden age of superheroes. Now a normal everyday part of pop culture, these characters and worlds are no longer just the talk of nerds and geeks in the closed enclaves of comic book stores, evidenced by the fact that the highest grossing film of all time is now a superhero film. It's in this superhero-saturated time that the card game Too Many Heroes will be introduced. Ironically, the game deals with a universe wherein there are... well, too many heroes and there are certain effects to society because of their presence. The game's three creators — Carol Blackmon, Sacha P. Nathan and Sunny Sachdev — have worked together to make the game's universe, which is an alternate reality to our own, as detailed as can be. Guru talked to Blackmon, the game's art director and Nathan, the game's writer, about Too Many Heroes.



Eat on. Game on.

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/09/2017

» <b>The setting:</b> It's a shame not a lot of people have heard about Hopeland. Within the offering of bars and restaurants at Thong Lor's 72 Courtyard, this one is at the very back on the the ground floor. At first glance, it seems to be your typical bar and restaurant. Lights in neon purple, steel tables, thumping music to get you going -- the usual. But don't judge a book by its cover. Hopeland does pride itself in its array of Korean dishes as well as its Tiki drinks, and we'll talk about that later. The thing that makes Hopeland special is its arcade games. And no, we're not just referring to those two arcade machines near the entrance and the kitchen where you can play games like Street Fighter and Tekken. There are also arcade games built into the tables. Yep, you read that right. While eating your food and nursing your drink, there's no need to get up from your seat; you can play some Pac-Man or Donkey Kong right there at your table. You can even take turns and play as two-players! You can game all you want, of course, but will you be feasting on good food as well? Or is Hopeland simply just another gimicky resto and bar? Read on.



Bangkokian Phones

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/02/2017

» We're all familiar with the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover", i.e. don't judge people by their appearances. Well, we totally agree. It's 2017, so judge them by their phones instead!



Quarantine 2.0

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/01/2021

» Let's be honest and admit that it was bound to happen. The second we got wind of a domestic case in Samut Sakhon, it was only a question of when things would be ordered to close. Granted, it may not be a hard lockdown like the first time around. However, as of the writing of this article, we're upwards of 10,000 cases now compared to the now-measly 1,000 or so we had the first time around so it's safe to say that things are a little worse than before. However, vaccines are set to arrive next month so there's a glimmer of hope. All we have to do is once again limit ourselves from going out in public unless absolutely necessary. I know the thought of having to once again lock ourselves at home is a drag, and that's why we've got this handy list for you. Here's how to thrive -- or at the very least, survive -- the second quarantine.



The florality of man

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/02/2020

» Fuanglada Verdillon is a Thai artist who founded Janfive Studio, which has released a number of simple yet gorgeously patterned artwork and a collection of accessories, as well.



On a liquid diet

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/03/2020

» Unless you're really health-conscious, on a cleanse or you're watching your weight, vegetable juices probably aren't your drink of choice. After all, they're not necessarily appetising. The taste of most vegetable juices take getting used to and after making numerous faces because of the odd tastes, you may start enjoying them. However, that's not the case for Paak. In fact, they may be the reason you start drinking vegetable beverages on a regular basis.



Easy living

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/08/2019

» Living in Bangkok has its share of ups and downs. Then again, what city doesn't? We know we complain about living in the city in every issue we publish (we have plenty more) but that doesn't mean there are people who share the same grievances, but unlike us who just whine, have decided to do something about it. Sure, there are plenty of things to be improved upon or done away within Bangkok and we're pretty sure we all can write a long list. But we're sincerely glad to see that there are services like these that make not just living in Bangkok a little easier, but also living a greener, more-eco friendly life in the city more viable. And who's going to refuse a greener and easier lifestyle? Here are a few services to try out.



Thai pride

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/11/2019

» Thailand is well-known around the world for a number of things: beautiful beaches, great food and extremely friendly people, to name a few. It's also home to a variety of homegrown talent be it in the entertainment industry or elsewhere. Sure, you can probably name a bunch off the top of your head that people go gaga for right here in the country, but there's also a number of them who are pretty well-known internationally, some of whom you may not be aware of. Either way, these are people who are making their motherland proud and whose works are worthy to be celebrated. From make-up artists to cake designers, here are Thais who are getting recognition locally and internationally for their work.



A summer of fun

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/04/2019

» Summer is here -- like that's not at all obvious. As the heat bears down on all of us Bangkokians, the temptation to simply spend these hellish days locked up in our rooms with the AC turned high (or is it low? You get what I mean) while we cuddle in our blankets and binge hours and hours on end of Netflix shows is strong. But that doesn't have to be the case. There's still a bunch of enjoyable things to do around the city despite the heat. In fact, they're not only fun, but they're perfect things to during the summer time. So stop being a lazy bum, get off that couch and outta the house, and don't worry, you can still have your ice cream. Here's a few summer activities to get you up and going during this heatwave.